♡ A Hug~Donah ♡

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Ship(s): Donah (Jonah and Daniel)

Prompt: sometimes after a long awful day where everything seemed to go wrong, all you need is a hug from the person you love

Famous or nah: nah

-Daniels POV-

I groaned in frustration as I stepped into the school. The late Bell already rung. It was not my morning. I slept through all my alarms. I had barely gotten any sleep due to the homework I had to do. I hurried to my locker and grabbed the things I needed. As I went to turn around, to go to my class, I ran into someone. All my things went to the ground causing me to groan again. I hurried and picked all my stuff up.

"Watch were you are going fag," Eben, the popular jock, seethed at me.

He walked around me and made sure to push me into the lockers extra hard. I groaned at the impact and at the fact that my stuff fell again.

I picked everything up once again and ran towards the stairs. Of course my first class had to be upstairs. And of course I wasn't in shape. As I was running up the stairs, my left foot got caught up making me trip and fall. I landed on my arm making my arm throb. And of fucking course, my stuff fell everywhere. I picked up my shit once again and headed to class.

I walked in and immediately got a late slip. And of course the class was in the middle of a pop quiz that I knew nothing about. I was sure I failed that making my grades worse then they already were.

Throughout the day, my day just got worse and worse. I had two upcoming tests, a research paper due tomorrow, and a project due in three days. Mfs be thinking I'm Superman or some shit.

I couldn't wait to go home. But I really wanted a hug from my boyfriend Jonah. Sadly he was gone for trip. His family and him decided to go visit some family a few states away.

The final bell rung and I left the classroom. I just wanted to leave that place. Today was not my day and I just wanted to go home and cry. I really wanted Jonah's arms around me though.

I walked out of the school and began walking down the stairs. My head down. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Not that anyone talked to me but just in case. I didn't want to socialize. I didn't want to do anything but get on a plane and just leave anywhere. I felt like leaving. Anywhere at this point would be good. But I couldn't just get on a place and leave. Mostly because I was broke af.

I looked up and noticed Jonah's car. In front of the car was Jonah! My Jonah!

I hurried up and went straight to his arms.

"Jonah," I yelled as I wrapped my arms his waist.

"Hi love," he laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How come you're here?" I asked him.

"We came back early. And I wanted to surprise you," he said as he tried pulling away but I hugged him tighter.

"Don't let go, please, hold me just a little longer," I whispered as my voice cracked towards the end.

"Baby, is everything okay?" He asked me as he began playing with my hair.

"N-no," I stuttered then let out a sob.

"Dani! What's wrong?" He asked me with concern in his voice.

"Today has just been so awful," I said as I tried to calm myself down.

"Everything went wrong today. I was stressed. And all I wanted was you. But you weren't here," I said as I let out another cry.

"Dani, baby," he said as he hugged me tighter.

"I'm here now love, I'm here now," he whispered as I just sobbed into his shirt.

After a few minutes, I had calmed down.

"You feeling better sweet?" He asked me as I nodded.

A hug was all I needed. Especially from Jonah. Sometimes we all just want to be held. To be wrapped around warmth. To be reminded that everything was gonna be alright. That we aren't alone. That we have someone. That we are safe. And what brought that for me was

A hug.

I've been writing so many one shots. I'm so happy I can actually update this book now. My writers block is gone. You guys don't know how excited I am!



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