♡ Morning~Jorbyn ♡

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Ship(s): Jorbyn (Corbyn and Jonah)

Prompt: it's the morning and both, Corbyn and Jonah, are happy that they are together

Famous or nah: Nah

-3rd person pov-

Corbyn fluttered his eyes open as his alarm went off. He was laying flat on Jonah's chest. He looked at the older boy and noticed he was still asleep. Corbyn reached for his phone and turned off the noise. He pecked Jonah's chest before sliding off and into their shared closet.

He picked out one of Jonah's hoodie and slipped it on. It reached his mid thigh but he had tight boxers on so it was fine.

Corbyn left their closet and walked to their bathroom. He brushed his teeth and did his business. He walked into their room that was connected to their bathroom and saw Jonah awake. His phone over his head as his thumb slid repeatedly over his screen.

"Morning Jo," Corbyn said as he straddled Jonah, his chin on Jonah's chest.

"Morning love," Jonah whispered back as he set his phone aside.

"I love you," Jonah said as his hands roamed down Corbyn's body and into his boxers.

Corbyn gasped once Jonah squeezed his bum.

"You are not able to fuck me at 6 in the morning Marais," Corbyn glared at Jonah as Jonah smirked.

"Watch me, Marais," Jonah said as he traced Corbyn's hole.

Corbyn leaned down and began kissing Jonah's neck. Jonah leaning more to the side to let Corbyn have more access.

"Come on, we have work," Corbyn said as he slide off Jonah's waist. Ignoring Jonah's whines of protest.

Corbyn walked back into the closet and grabbed one of Jonah's shirts. He tucked the shirt into his pants than grabbed Jonah's leather jacket.

"You are such a fucking thief!" Jonah laughed as he walked into the closet, immediately checking Corbyn and his outfit out.

"So are you!" Corbyn protested!

"What the heck?! How?! Your clothes don't even fit me!" Jonah exclaimed.

"You stole my heart!" Corbyn said as Jonah paused and looked at Corbyn with nothing but love in his eyes.

"I'm happy I married the love of my life," Jonah whispered as he pulled Corbyn into him by his belt hoops.

"Thank you for making me happy," Corbyn said as he wrapped his arms around Jonah's waist.

"The same goes for you my love," Jonah said as he pecked Corbyn's forehead.

"6 years we have been together, one year proposed, and 2 of those married, and I still get those same damn butterflies every time you look into my eyes," Jonah whispered as Corbyn looked up at him, his chin rested in Jonah's chest. The sentence making Corbyn's cheeks turn a tint of pink.

"Thank you for making me the happiest man alive and saying I do at the alter," Corbyn said as he leaned up and pecked Jonah's lips.

"I love you bubba," Corbyn whispered as he stood on his tippy toes, his lips brushing against Jonah's as he looked at Jonah in the eyes.

"I love you more bubs," Jonah whispered as he leaned down and connected their lips together into a sweet kiss.

"You stole something else of mine," Jonah said as they pulled away.

"And what's that?" Corbyn smiled, thinking Jonah would say something cheeky.

"You stole my last name," Jonah said as Corbyn's mouth fell into an o shape.

"You gave it to me!" Corbyn exclaimed as Jonah began to walk further into their closet, looking for an outfit.

"Get back here you bitch!" Corbyn said as he ran towards Jonah.

Jonah turned around and groaned as Corbyn's jumped on him. Brining both boys tumbling to the ground. Both boys erupted into giggles.

And that's why both men always end up being late to work. That's just a small price to pay when you marry the love of your life and they make ever morning an adventure.



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Hi beautiful people! Happy new year my loves! 2019 has definitely been my worst year and the most challenging one in my life. I am glad it's over. I really hope 2020 is an amazing year, I really need it. In 2019, I had gone MIA to many times and that's with everything going on in my personal life. It's definitely been a hard one. I have three things planned for 2020 and it's the only things keeping me going so I pray that they go according to plan. One of the things that helped me survive 2019 was you guys. The amount of support you guys have given me on all my books and continue to read my shitty ass books surprise me everyday. Thank you from bottom of my heart. It means way more than you guys will ever know. And thank you for reading the stuff where I express myself. Writing is so important in my life due to the fact that I can express myself the best way I can. It's my own stress reliever. Thank you for supporting me and putting up with me. Two other things were my family and friends. Especially my friends. I am finally happy with the people in my circle. It took me so long but now that I have it, I wouldnt trade a thing. I have definitely learned a lot this year. And now without a further a do, 2020, I'm excited for you! I pray you will do me good. And join me on another year as I join you guys :) I love you all very much!


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