♡ You're Not Alone~WDW ♡

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Ship(s): all the boys

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Ship(s): all the boys

Prompt: Corbyn's been struggling mentally and finally decides to end his life. Only the boys catch on, but are they to late?

Famous or nah; famous

-3rd person POV-

Life. We didn't ask to be born but we were. Life is a roller coaster. It goes up and down.

But Corbyn Besson's life was a dream for some people. And it was for him to, at the beginning. Now it's a never ending nightmare. Especially against himself and his mind.

-Corbyn's POV-

Kill yourself

Leave this planet

You don't deserve everything you have

The limelights are forced to like you cause you're part of the band

The boys probably put on an act that they like you

Your family doesn't love you

These thoughts kept repeating in my head as I stared at myself in the mirror. Disgusted was the only emotion I felt as I stared at myself in the mirror. I was fat, no muscles, I was absolutely a waste of a human. There was nothing good about me. Not a single thing.

Tears ran down my cheeks as my thoughts began to get louder. I couldn't concentrate. The only noise I heard was the voices telling me to end it. The boys were out getting dinner. They were gonna bring it home due to so many limelights recognizing us.

I grabbed a pen and paper on my desk and scrubbed a note for the boys and my family. Along with the fans. I set the note on the desk and grabbed my car keys. I was going to do it. My life was ending today. I couldn't do it anymore. I'm not strong. I'm weak.

I jumped into my car and went to the Bridge that I absolutely love. It was an amazing place to look at the view.

-3rd person POV-

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