Book 1: Chapter 55

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Here is the next part then onto something else, hopefully this weekend I can finish writing this and be able to wrap it up sometime next week or so. Then it will be onto the sequel. Anyway hope you enjoy and if there are any mistakes tell me so I can fix them, also leave a review it really does mean a lot and boosts up my cofidence that you guys like it.


"Make your decision, Mister Smith." Jenny spits out holding the gun closer to Martha's head.

"Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge." Baines says.

Out of sight, Tim takes the watch from his pocket, and opens it. Golden energy shimmers and the Family turn their heads quickly.

Time Lord.

"It's him!" Baines yells out happily and I know that Tim closes the watch. Martha gets the gun off Jenny and uses her as a shield while she aims it at Baines.

"All right! One more move and I shoot." Martha says.

"Oh, the maid is full of fire." Baines spits out.

"And you can shut up!" Martha yell and fires the gun at the ceiling.

"Careful, Son of Mine. This is all for you so that you can live forever." Clark points out.

"Shoot you down." Baines says.

"Try it. We'll die together." Martha says taunting him that she would do it.

"Would you really pull the trigger? Looks too scared." Baines taunts Martha.

"Scared and holding a gun's a good combination. Do you want to risk it?" Martha asks and the family lower their guns. Joan returns to the Doctor.

"Doctor, get everyone out. There's a door at the side. It's over there. Go on. Do it, Mister Smith. I mean you." Martha says to John and I go to open my mouth to object but she gives me a glare and I just follow along.

"Do what she said. Everybody out, now. Don't argue, Mister Jackson. They're mad. That's all we need to know. Susan, Miss Cooper, outside, all of you." Joan says taking control and the villagers run out, screaming.

"Move yourself, boy. Back to the school, quickly." John says as he pushes Tim out.

"And you. Go on. Just shift." Martha tells both me and the Doctor.

"I can't just leave you here Martha, not going to happen" I say trying to remain here.

"What about you?" John questions

"Mister Smith, I think you should escort your lady friend to safety as well as Harmony, don't you?" Martha questions and I shake my head.

"No way am I leaving you here Martha. We are sticking together" I say after John had tried to pull me along but I just shoved him out.

Jenny gets away from Martha and rejoins her Family.

"Don't try anything. I'm warning you, or Sonny boy gets it." Martha threatens as I make my way behind her.

"She's almost brave, this one." Baines points out.

"Oi, shut it, you can't say anything bad about Martha, she isn't bad, she is way better than you four" I say.

"I should have taken her form. Much more fun. So much spirit." Jenny says and both me and Martha back away as the Family moves forward.

"What happened to Jenny? Is she gone?" Martha asks.

"Dead, they basically killed her, wish I could have done something, by the time I realized what was going on I forgot all about it" I say upset with myself for not saving someone again.

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