Book 2: Chapter 2

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Alright so here is the next chapter, and the start of a new episode that includes not one, not two but three Doctor's, or well almost as one doesn't call himself the Doctor, as he is basically the Warrior. Hope you enjoy and hope to see you next week!


"Alright, I guess this is good-bye for now, see you soon Toby" I say, my sonic in my pocket as well as my phone and my vortex manipulator around my wrist flipped up as I was about to hit the button.

"Right, well see you soon Harmony, whenever it is you get back, and I want to see my niece and nephew as well, whether it be pictures or videos I want to see them" Toby says and I hug him as best I can.

"Promise, now let's see where this takes me" I say hesitating but hitting the button on the vortex manipulator and everything around me changed to that of a…classroom?

"What the…why a classroom, really, wait no this looks familiar…oh it's Clara's school, that's why it looks so familiar" I say looking around. "Now to find Clara's classroom" I say walking out and finding Clara's classroom and opening the door. "Miss. Oswald…uh never mind I can wait until after class" I say seeing Clara turn to me and the students in the room turn to me as well and I walk back and wait outside.


As soon as the bell rings I rush inside the classroom and go over to Clara well as best as I could with my belly. "Clara, it is so great to see you, it feels as if I haven't seen you in months, oh wait it has been months" I say and she just stares at my stomach and opens her mouth to say something when a man rushing in panting and she holds her hand up for me to wait a second.

"Have you been running?" she asks him looking at him concerned.

"Are you okay? There was a call for you at the office…from your Doctor" he says and I realize what episode this was, it was The Day of the Doctor making my eyes go wide.

"Did he leave an address?" Clara asks and he hands her a piece of paper grabbing her motorcycle gear and pulling my arm tugging me with her.


"So are you going to tell me what happened last for you" Clara yells over the wind as she was on her motorcycle well I was behind her, which looks rather weird because of me being pregnant. "Last time I saw you was your first time here, you slapped the Doctor" she says and I laugh dryly.

"Ha-ha yea…I haven't apologized for that yet, but I will, and I was at home. Like actually home not in this universe or dimension or whatever, and I was terrified, and currently pissed at the Doctor for not letting him help him with the Pandorica" I say rambling at but.

"Really you where home? I mean you have talked about going back and forth, but this was the first time you were home right, so how did you get back?" she asks

"The Vortex Manipulator my brother gave me, took me about five months to figure out what I was supposed to do to get back, and the whole shock about being pregnant didn't help. I nearly broke down a few times. I met someone who helped me through it and know a bit more of the Doctor's future, but not that much" I say but then shake my head not wanting to spoil anything.

We finally got to the top of the hill where the Tardis was at the bottom along a lonely country road and Clara sounds the horn of the motorcycle driving straight at it and the doors open as we ride in.

I quickly jump off the bike and run my hand along the console feeling the buzz of it as if she was happy I was back here making me smile.

"Draught" the Doctor says from the stairs at which he was sitting on with Amy's glasses and reading a book on Advanced Quantum Mechanics making Clara grin and snap her fingers making the door close and the Doctor slams his book closed. "Fancy a week in ancient Mesopotamia" the Doctor asks her setting the book on the floor and turning to her. "followed by a future Mars?" he says not seeing me I guess as he wasn't paying attention to me and I just shrugged watching them interact.

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