Book 1: Chapter 41

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Okay here is the next part before the Christmas episode The Snowmen that i have the first half done, and since Harmony is with the Doctor during that, it's mainly just what the Doctor does. Anyway this chapter goes from 1st person to 3rd person, just so it would work. Enjoy, and if there are any mistakes tell me and I will fix them, also if there is a certain episode you want then tell me and I might be able to do it.


"River Song, what in the name of Gallifrey are you doing here? You really shouldn't even be here, if the Doctor sees you, then I have no idea what will happen, but it can't be good." I say then start to think about it. "No, it would be disastrous, he cannot, absolutely not see you because if he does…" I start to say but am cut off by a peck to my lips and I forget what I was saying.

"Well that is one way to shut you up" she says and I just glare at her.

"River, now is not the time, in case you didn't realize there is going to be a big huge battle, because that thing in the sky that the Black Dalek is near has millions of Daleks in it, and because of those stupid pepper pots the Doctor and I are going to lose Rose" I yell at her frustrated and she goes to hug me and I just wrap my arms around her and start crying.

"I can't lose her, I can't lose anyone, it hurts and if I lose her, then how will I deal with what I know I was a part of, plus I know I can save her, I just know I can." I start babbling and River just strokes my hair trying to calm me down.

"Shh, shh, Harmony calm down you need to breathe, okay just breathe" she says and I start hiccupping from crying.

"But if I don't do something, like make the lever stay stuck, then what am I going to do River?" I ask and let go of her only to start pacing back and forth. "I mean I could just rig the lever to stay so that Rose doesn't have to hold the lever, or when she does, it stays there permanently. Or…or…or just make sure Rose is away from it and I pull the lever, and risk myself getting lost in the void…" I start to list of idea's but River cuts me off.

"NO! Harmony, you can't and you know it, you know it's a fixed point in time, Rose has to be lost, you have met the Doctor after this haven't you, if you stop Rose from getting lost, then those events will be lost." she tell me but I brush her off.

"No, because time can be rewritten, and I don't want to lose Rose, and I won't River" I say to her not wanting to lose Rose. "And if it were you trying to save me, even if it was a fixed point wouldn't you try and save me" I say to her and she bites her lip shifting a bit but shakes her head.

"Unless I knew that something wouldn't be changed due to the outcome, and you know that this would be a huge shift, and could disrupt time itself." she says trying to scold me.

"But River, this is important, and if I don't do this, I don't want to carry the guilt of knowing that I knew this would happen and if I stopped it…" I start to say but she cuts me off.

"And that worked so well for me, I tried stopping both you and the Doctor's death, because I was there when it happened, though you and him already knew that you were watching yourselves die, but when I tried to stop it, and kept putting it off, time stopped, Harmony what I am trying to say is that things happen for a reason." she tell me and I stomp my foot in annoyance.

"But some of those reasons are stupid, it shouldn't be the way to take someone away from something that could be stopped, I know she will get back here eventually, but it makes her more cruel than ever, her doing these things just to get back to the Doctor. IF I stop that, then it will be better" I start to say but she cuts me off again.

"Harmony, you have done things in the future, if you change the past that has already happened, then time will unwind, I don't know what you have done and what you haven't done, but whatever you have done with the Doctor in the future will unwind and it would be bad, and terrible" she says taking making me face her and lifts my chin up to look at her while I was staring at the ground.

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