Book 1: Chapter 49

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So here is the next part in Deep Breath, then onto something else. Hope you enjoy if there are any mistakes tell me and I will fix them. Also if there is a certain episode that you want me to do leave a review with it and I will see if I can get to it. Enjoy!


"There she is" I say and pull him to the side that Clara wasn't looking as she seems to smell the Doctor and starts fanning herself trying to get the smell away.

"What's wrong?" the Doctor asks her after she noticed us.

"I don't know. Maybe the smell?" Clara says sarcastically and I cough to cover up my laugh.

"I know. It's everywhere." the Doctor says looking around.

"Where did you get that coat?" Clara asks the Doctor and he looks down at the coat.

"Er, ahem, I bought it." the Doctor says not looking at her but giving me a look of 'help' but I just look away from him and looked at Clara.

"From where?" Clara asks.

"Er, a shop?" the Doctor tries to think of a lie of where he got it but she didn't believe him.

"No." Clara says clearly unamused.

"Might have been a tramp." the Doctor says glancing at her but then glancing away.

"You don't have any money." Clara points out.

"Er, I had a watch." the Doctor says.

"No. That watch was beautiful." Clara says rather upset that he traded his watch for the clothes he was wearing.

"Tell me about it, we better go back and get it too" I grumble though knowing he had to give up the watch even though it was a great watch.

"It was my favourite." the Doctor says after a pause.

"You swapped your favourite watch for that coat. That's maybe not a good deal." Clara says and fiddles with the paper in her hands.

"Well, I was in a hurry. There was a terrible smell." the Doctor

"well, it wasn't like we were in a trashy dumpy alley way either" I say sarcastically turning away from them but still listening and watching the other people or was it robots in the room, at least I think they were robots if what Dylan said was correct.

"Okay." Clara says not looking at him.

The Doctor smiles and laughs a little causing me to turn to look at him raising an eyebrows as to what he was laughing about as this situation was not funny at all.

"No. No, don't. Don't. Don't. Don't smile. I will smile first and then you know it's safe to smile." Clara says gesturing to herself then at the Doctor.

"Are you cross with me?" the Doctor asks her

"I am not cross. But if I was cross it would be your fault and. Yes, I am cross." Clara says.

"Better at him than at me" I say under my breath but feel a kick to my leg causing me to wince and look at Clara's cross eyes and bite my lip shrugging slightly.

"I guessed that." the Doctor points out.

"I am extremely cross." Clara says not looking at him but at the paper in her hand.

"And if I hadn't changed my face, would you be cross?" the Doctor asks her gesturing to his face and I just glare at him for thinking that she was only cross because of his face change.

"I would be cross if I wasn't cross." Clara tells him.

"Why?" the Doctor asks.

"Why?" she asks rhetorically and looks around "An ordinary person wants to meet someone that they know very well for lunch. What do they do?" Clara asks and the Doctor turns to me for help.

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