Book 2: Chapter 1

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Okay here it is, welcome to Book 2 of Maintaining Harmony, there really isn't much Doctor in here, but a lot of where she is after everything went black and how she deals with it. So just go ahead and read it, I hope you like it, and I am sort of in a writers block as I have no idea what to do after certain events happen so if you want a certain episode tell me and it might get me to figure out what to do after a few episodes that i have planned.


"Do you think she is okay, I mean she was just laying here, how did she even get here?" I hear a rather familiar voice say and slowly open my eyes seeing what I think was Clara and across from her I saw the Doctor.

"Clara? Doctor? What's going on?" I mumble out and sit up rubbing my eyes and looking around the room that seemed similar to a green room when waiting for something.

"You must of banged you head" I hear Clara say as she helps me up into a more sitting position and checking over my head.

"Clara, I'm fine, really honestly am fine, though The Big Bang sort of happened" I say my eyes finally adjusting and glancing at the Doctor.

"Yea you defiantly must of banged your head, I'm Jenna Coleman not Clara" Clara no Jenna says and then gesturing to the Doctor, "And that's Peter Capaldi, the new Doctor, you must have had a very weird dream." she says and I shake my head rubbing my hand through my hair causing it to get stuck on my ring and noticing my tattoo and jumping back.

"No, there would be no way that it was a dream, I swear I didn't have this tattoo when I got here, wait, if your Jenna Colman and he's Peter Capaldi, then I'm….oh" I say realizing I was back at Comic Con and instantly went for my pockets pulling out my sonic, vortex manipulator and phone, but my phone was buzzing. "Oh wait let me get this video call…uh hit that button" I say hitting the button and 12's face pops up.

"Oh see I knew I would get you, now how do you rob a bank Harmony? Because we have to rob a bank, and by we, I mean me and Clara, oh wait…Clara what are you doing with Harmony, where are you?" the Doctor asks through the video screen and I notice Jenna glancing between Peter and the Doctor completely confused.

"B…but….but he's, how can he be there, when he is there" Jenna asks pointing from the Doctor to Peter and I just shrug.

"How am I supposed to know that, time is weird and not straight, but I have no idea how to answer his question, I don't suppose you do?" I ask her and she snaps out of whatever it was she was in answering the question.

"you need to find someone who is great with this kind of stuff, his name is Psi, you also need to find a woman her name is Saibra, she can change her form by a single touch. As well as find some memory worms to be able to forget this because the teller and Karabraxos are physically connected, so you can't remember what you are going to do, just trust me on this okay?" Jenna says and the Doctor nods and there are footsteps and some yelling by I think me.

"Oh there you are Harmony, I will figure this out later, especially with your help, you look tired you should rest" he says and I hear someone yelling for him. "Coming, calm down, well see you soon, or well now, or well whenever I do see you again Harmony" he says ending the call and Jenna just stairs at my phone screen a blank look on her face and I shrug.

"Uh, my fiancée is a bit moody when it comes to being his 12th self, I can't control him plus I haven't got a clue on what you just said, all I know is the first episode and the one having to do with Robin Hood, as well as Listen and him being a Caretaker, which was rather interesting, Danny is a rather nice guy but there is just something about him that he shows regret in being a solider or something happened or is going to happen and he will be the cause of losing Clara." I say starting to ramble and having Peter and Jenna give me a weird look. "Sorry I was rabbling, I do that when I'm nervous, and why are you giving me that look?" I ask and Jenna opens her mouth but shuts it trying to figure out what to say.

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