Book 1: Chapter 25

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We step out of the lift and into Lazarus’s office. The Doctor turns on the lights.

“This is his office, all right.” Martha says looking around.

“So, where is he?” the Doctor says also looking around.

“Maybe he went somewhere?” I ask trying to explore a bit.

“Dunno. Let’s try back at the re” Martha starts to say but notices something “…ception.”

Sticking out from behind the desk a pair of skeletal bones—wearing high heels. We rush over to see the desiccated remains of Lady Thaw.

“Is that Lady Thaw?” Martha says with a horrified look on her face.

“Yeah, or what used to be” I say uncomfortable and somewhat sick to my stomach by what we were seeing and grabbed the Doctor’s hand.

“Now it’s just a shell. Had all the life energy drained out. Like squeezing the juice out of an orange.” the Doctor says with his eyes wide.

“Lazarus.” Martha breathes out trying to think of an explanation as to what happened.

“Could be.” the Doctor says to her still looking at Lady Thaw’s remains.

“So he’s changed already.” Martha says turning to look at him.

“Not necessarily. You saw the DNA. It was fluctuating. The process must demand energy. This might not have been enough.” the Doctor says turning to her with wide eyes.

“So he might do this again?” Martha says and looks at me and I bite my lower lip and slightly nod.

“Hmm.” the Doctor says thinking.

We dash back to the lifts or well Martha does and the Doctor pulls me along even  though I really didn’t want to because of Tish was going to be coming out of the other side right after we left.


We arrive back at the reception after getting out of the lift.

“I can’t see him.” Martha says as we walk past the musicians who were playing music on a violin and a cello.

“He can’t be far. Keep looking.” the Doctor says looking around and walks on, but I stay with Martha.

“Hey, you all right, Martha? I think Mum wants to talk to you.” Leo asks holding a drink in his hand.

“Have you see Lazarus anywhere?” Martha says not really paying attention to him but still looking around.

“Yeah. He was getting’ cozy with Tish a couple of minutes ago.” Leo says like it was a regular occurrence.

The Doctor joins them moments before Francine.

“With Tish?!” Martha yells with wide eyes concerned about her sister.

“Ah, Doctor. Harmony” Francine says but the Doctor ignores her and questions Leo.

“Where did they go?” the Doctor says pointing at Leo for an answer.

“Upstairs I think, why?” Leo says confused as to why the Doctor asked.

“Doctor— “ Francine starts to say but is cut off by him rushing past her and spilling her drink causing me to sigh.

 “I’m speaking to you!” Francine yells as the Doctor rushes away.

Martha follows the Doctor, stopping a moment to talk to her mother. “Not now, Mum!” Martha says through her teeth.

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