chat with the king

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Iris walking towards the soccer filed with her teammates for soccer practice while wearing plans red shirt, white & red shorts, and soccer cleats. Her hair into a short ponytail and get bag over her shoulder.

Iris: "hey girls."

Cherry: "what's up Iris."

Tennis match: "hey."

Starlight: "what's up."

"Greetings girls."

Iris turn around and her eyes wide to see king t'challa with warm smile on his face while walking towards them and rainbow dash said, "greetings your highness."

King t'challa: "you too, mrs. Dash. It's okay with you to let me watch soccer practice."

Tennis match: "of course king t'challa."

King t'challa: "(chuckled) just call me, t'challa if you please."

Cherry crash: "of course t'challa."

Iris begin walking towards behind him very slowly with huge blushed on both cheeks to ask him out on a date and she said, "excuse me, t'challa." And he turned around to see blushed iris sonnet with nervous smile on her face and he said, "yes, you need something ms. Ummm."

Iris: "iris sonnet."

T'challa: "that's a beautiful named."

Iris: "thanks, oh I asked you something."

T'challa: "sure, what's is it?"

Iris: "you wanna go out with me this Saturday night at the movie theater inside the mall."

T'challa raise his brow with confused look on his face, "as a date?"

Iris: "yes, because your handsome and cute as the king of wakanda."

T'challa: "of course, I love go to the movie with you."

Iris got huge smile on her face because she going on a date with king of wakanda on wednesday night.

T'challa: "I pick you at your place at 5:00 pm."

Iris: "sounds good, t'challa."

At big city

The enforcers just hanging out at the park to see kids playing in the playground then suddenly tarakudo come out from the tree to shocked officer keys.

Officer keys: "whoa. An floating mask."

Tarakudo: "good new boys, there people will help us to find oni masks."

Finn: "that's awesome d-man. Where they at now."

"Greetings cool cats."

They turned around to see ding-dong daddy and the group who entered the park to make 8 people become confused and scared on their faces.

Takarudo: "boys meet ding-dong daddy."

Ding dong daddy: "what's up cool kats."

Takarudo: "kung pow chicken and comrade red."

Kung pow chicken: "how it's going."

Comrade red begin to speak with russian accent, "greetings comrades."

Takarudo: "baby face, sir brad starlight, apemon, doggymon, gorillamon,  power ponies nemesis man-iac, and ravenator."

Man-iac: "hello hairless monkeys."

Baby face: "I hope we getting along each other, see."

Ravenator: "you said it babyface."

Sir ban starlight: "yup."

Apemon: "yeah."

Doggymon: "yup. Woof woof."

Gorillamon decided to grunt for baby face agreement."

Finn: "awesome, welcome to team dudes."

Chow: "it's going to be awesome."

Hak-foo: "i guess."

Takarudo: "good and let's this business shall we? I sense second mask location at the town called Springfield, Illinois in the Simpsons universe." "And we're going over there on Tuesday."

Baby face: "perfect plan boss, see."

King pow chicken: "yeah."

Finn: "we got forgot tell you something, boss."

Tarakudo: "like what?"

Chow: "we got another arch enemies from equestria."

Ratso: "it's princess twilight and her friends."

Tarakudo: "really, i send comrade red, kung pow chicken, apemon, and doggymon over there to teach them a lesson on Monday afternoon."

Baby face: "good plan boss, see."

Comrade red: "me and comrades will crush small ponies."

Mane-iac: "good luck with those power ponies and their little sidekick humdrum who defeat me at my hideout."

Kiki become scared on her face and says, "oh boy. This isn't can't be good at all."

Weezie: "you said it kiki."

Then suddenly 4 ninja chimps come out from the bushes to surprise the enforcers.

Kiki: "ninja!"

Weezie: "chimps!"

Finn: "alright, you brought ninja chimps from dr. Wasbai, didn't you boss."

Tarakudo: "yup. Oh I got another surprise

Finn: "excellent. Like who."

All sudden a light beam come out of nowhere to reveal 20 putties that's shock kiki and weezie.

Kiki: "what are those things?"

Tarakudo: "putties my dear child. I asked lord zedd to borrow them from power rangers universe."

[New chapter is out for this story]

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