prepared the date part 2: mobilt berner

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Reiner, jean, bertholdt, and gelger arrive at dimmsdale mall with moblit who got a flat top from the barbershop earlier and getting tuxedo for the date with second commander tonight.

Reiner: "this place look huge from the inside. Right guys."

Jean: "yeah. Where we to find a tux in this place."

Bertholdt: "let's ask someone."

Gelger: "good idea kid."

They spotted timmy turner with chloe and sparky at the water fountain with two goldfish so they decided walk to them.

Moblit: "excuse me kids. We ask you something real quick like where the store that sell tux."

Chloe: "of course, it's tony tux and dress store over there."

She pointed her finger at the store show moblit and the others. Moblit said to chloe of kind, "thank you kid for doing that."

Chloe: "no problem, sir."

"Hola scout regiments."

They saw famous luchador heroes lobo fuerte and turbine walk to them with warm smiles. Lobo begin to speak with them of polite, "let us introduce ourselves, I'm lobo fuerte and this is turbine, the famous luchador's in union city. And captain black told us to help you and the others to find oni masks in other worlds before tarakudo does.

Reiner: "alright."

Jean: "alright, welcome to the team, fellas."

Turbine: "thanks man."

Both of them decided join them going inside tony tux and dress store find a tux for moblit for a date with second commander.

Timmy: "they're awesome for pair of masked wrestlers."

Chloe: "yeah but what they talking about oni masks."

Wanda: "and tarakudo character."

Cosmo: "he probably a panda from china who become angry sometime like someone steal his fortune cookie."

Sparky: "good point."

[End of chapter of prepared the date part 2: moblit berner]

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