stakeout mission

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Nighttime at 11:00 pm, canterlot city dock harbor.

Luke and bertholdt wearing normal clothes inside parked Aston martin 2019 right next two barrels not far from medium warehouse that robber is coming to steal golden rooster inside anytime soon.

Bertholdt use night vision sunglasses to see in the dark while sitting in the front and tip a sip of root beer for bit. And luke in the driver side is a sleep when the seat down.

Bertholdt lift his night vision sunglasses up to the forehead and begin to yawn bit, look at luke cis, "hey, it's your turn to keep eye a out." Luke yawn and open his eyes. He unreclined in his seat, put night vision glasses on his eyes, and stare at warehouse.

Luke: "what principal celestia and captain black going give us something after this."

Bertholdt: "i don't know."

Luke: "figures. We're like rookies to them in their worlds."

Bertholdt: "we need to help them find rest of oni masks before tarakudo does."

Luke: "I know."

He then spotted someone in dark green jacket with orange backpack on, green pants, and shoes. He got dark purple cow lick and purple skin. Heading to the warehouse with a crowbar in his right hand and got flashlight in another hand just towards the front door to use crowbar to break in.

Luke: "let's go."

Both exit the car heading to the warehouse with laser pistols in their hands and went inside the warehouse to see light shine went upward in the ceiling so decided sneaking behind the boxes very slowly to hear box top lid just open up really loud that thief with crowbar.

Both luke and bertholdt behind two medium size barrels is at right side of open box.

Luke: "(whisper) ready."

Bertholdt: "(whisper) ready luke."

Both come up behind the barrels to aim their laser pistol to the thief got golden rooster in his right arm, then Luke said, "freeze, put the golden rooster down and put your hands up now." Thief begin walking backwards with golden rooster and flashlight towards the door."

Bertholdt: "hey, are you listening. He said freeze."

Thief got smug grin and exit the door begin running escape and they begin chasing him in the harbor. Bertholdt look at wrist communicater on his wrist and press the button make a call, "we got 10-44, we pursuit the thief on foot and we need backup over."

Someone: "you got it hoover, the backup is on the way in 5 minutes."

They saw thief took right to went inside of medium size garage and they went inside too and it's several broke cars in line, many tools cabinets, 10 metal boxes, and equipments everywhere, they can't find the thief somewhere."

Luke: "hey punk, why are you hiding huh. Come on out to surrender alright."

Thief crotch down begin walking very slowly behind broken car towards the exit but he accidentally knocked box of used oil cans from the table with his elbow that drop on the floor really loud to cause a sound that luke and bertholdt hear it. He was about to run towards the exit but he slipped on oil from open up oil can just landed on his back to drop golden rooster and flashlight.

Luke and bertholdt aim their laser pistols at thief on the forehead who give them a sad expression on his face.

Bertholdt: "game over."

He flipped the thief side on his stomach so luke pulled out handcuffs inside his pocket to arrest him.

Luke: "your arrest for break in and enter, stole the golden rooster, and running from us."

He lift him up from the floor on his feet to take him outside with bertholdt behind him got golden rooster in his hand towards outside to see two police car, motorcycle with captain black on it while wearing helmet with sunset shimmer behind him.

Sunset shimmer exit the motorcycle and take off her helmet from her head to place on the forklift seat and walk up to the thief and place her hand on his forehead. Her eyes begin to glow white for few seconds and come back to normal. She look at him with disappointed look, "you didn't stole golden rooster to impress her." Thief look at her with tears streaming down from his eyes and said, "I'm sorry."

Sunset: "but you got plenty to think of that."

Luke: "in jail."

He handed thief to the policeman take him away and captain black walk up to them with warm smile, "good job you two."

Luke: "thanks you sir."

Captain Black pull out two section 13 stakeout team badges from his pocket to handed to them got surprise on their faces.

Bertholdt: "thank you sir."

Luke: "wonderful."

Sunset: "congrats guys."

[New chapter is out for this story]

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