chat with principal

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On Friday morning at canterlot high school with flash walk in the corridor towards his locker to get something for 1st period.

"Morning mr. Sentry."

he stop and turn around to see principal celestia with warm smile on her face as he begin to speak, "morning you too, principal celestia."

Principal celestia: "how's christy doing."

Flash: "she doing good and going home tomorrow with the twins."

Principal celestia: "that's wonderful. If okay with you to let me and my sister see the twins tomorrow."

Flash: "of course principal celestia. You wanna be godmother for my twin boys."

Her eyes went wide and got huge grin on her face about going to be godmother for flash twin boys and says, "of course flash. I'll be honored to be godmother for your boys."

Flash: "excellent."

Meanwhile outside of school in the parking lot there's apple family exit the truck towards the school. Granny Smith look at applejack with nervous look on her face as she said, "are you ready to ask fluttershy to marry you during lunch period."

Applejack: "yes Granny ah'm ready."

Apple bloom: "ah proud of ya, sis going to propose fluttershy."

Big Mac: "eeyup. Go for it sis."

Applejack: "thanks y'all."

They about enter inside of school then all of sudden 22 ninja chimps come out of nowhere to surprise them as apple bloom said, "it's ninja chimps." Applejack got angry look on her face doing kung fu pose as she said, "y'all get inside now, let me handle it."

Apple bloom: "you can't handle those ninja chimps alone?"

"No she won't."

They saw canterlot furious 4, frosty orange, starlight, and chick p show up with warm smiles as apple bloom shock of surprise and said, "alright the gang is here now to help applejack."

Gilda: "let's teach ninja chimps a lesson don't mess with canterlot high wondercolts."

Chick p: "you said it g. Let's get ninja chimps butt."

Gilda with sly grin and say's, "i like your attitude, chick p."

[New chapter is out]

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