arrive of t-troop part 1

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Stingmon team up with captain super captain battle unimon in the sky while rainbine and drex battle with gorillamon in the woods. Flamedermon battle with centarumon somewhere other side of the creek.

Pixel use many kicks to ding-dong daddy but he dodge it to shock pixel and Jackie use a shovel to hit him but he chop it off in half.

Ding dong daddy: "nice try shrimp."

He summon 20 bat-like shadowkhans rose up from the ground behind their new boss to shocked the others and davis, "this isn't sound good at all, guys."

Ken: "yeah."

Ding dong daddy: "five of you go help gorillamon to battle with rainbine and drex in the woods. Six of you go help centarumon battle with flamedermon. 10 of you go help with filmon battle with stingmon and captain super captain in the sky."

They use their wings to fly off to different direction to help gorillamon & his group. Jackie toss two stuff puffer fish to davis and ken."

Jackie: "use it to blast bat shadowkhans."

Handlebarb and her friends hiding behind right side of the ramp to see pixel, ken, and davis firing bat like creature with puffer fish.

Handlebarb: "so cool, they blasting them with puffer fish."

Cannonball: "yeah."

DDD minions towards jackie chan but all of sudden green arrow come out nowhere to shot net come out from the tip to capture them.

"Hey Jackie. Seem you guys need some help."

They spotted green arrow come out with the woods while holding bow in his hand and joined by superman.

Jackie: "superman, green arrow."

Cannonball: "whoa, real life superheros."

Familiar voice: "what's up guys."

Jackie turn around to see his niece jade become buffer and green cap with super moose that come alive with rat talisman, diane got rooster talisman around her neck as necklace, and bill green pig got pig talisman in the mouth.

Pixel: "whoa."

Handlebarb: "dude?!?"

Jackie: "jade explain."

Jade: "i use ox talisman to become buff and stronger and give other talismans to Diane, super moose, and jim the pig. We are the t-troop."

Ding dong daddy: "hahaha that's a dumb name for your team."

Diane: "okay, you ask for it then."

Craig and his friends to hangout with 10 speeds at their ramp city but stop to see other people over there. Then craig look at handlebarb and says, "what's going on here, handlebarb."

Handlebarb: "it's a long story, dudes."

[New chapter is out]

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