death of sawney and bean

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They find sawney and bean's skeleton laying down on the ground from where they were. Hange screamed at the top of her lungs.

Zoë: "SAWNEY! BEAN!!!"

She fell on her knees and continue the scream with her boyfriend get down on both knees to confront her.

Sci twi: "I'm sorry for her."

Misty fly: "me too."

Soarin: "me three."

Derpy: "who killed sawney and bean like that."

Sunset: "that's messed up right there. They're going to be section 13 agents Someday"

Gilda: "you said it shimmer."

OK joe: "i already like those dudes."

Flash: "they were such valuable test subjects for her."

Sandalwood: "yeah, I feel bad for her right now."

He look at Gunther and eld, "did soldiers do it?" Eld replied back to him, "yeah, they haven't found who's responsible yet, apparently both were killed at the same time before dawn. By the time the guards noticed, whoever did it had used odm to get away."

Sandalwood: "that's messed up right there."

Heath: "yup."

"You said it sonny."

They look down on the ground to see winnie pooh friend gopher. Heath said with little bit surprise to gopher, "hey gopher, how you and the others been at one hundred acres woods."

Gopher: "they're pretty good. Thanks for asking. You soon visit sometimes, heath."

Heath: "of course."

Eld: "how you get here, bud."

Gopher: "I use transport ring to teleport to the forest far behind wall rose so I dig up underground towards wall rose."

He pointed his finger to the hole behind green sheets show the others and spotted male military police accidentally went through hole and scream really loud, "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" They then heard thud from end of the hole and heard the voice of military police, "I'm okay but someone bring a ladder inside the hole to get me out."

Another mp: "I'm on it."

Petra: "that's pretty deep hole you dug, gopher."

Gopher: "thank you my dear."

Captain black look at section commander zoë hange who's crying in moblit arms and got a idea for both of them. He's going to asked them tonight at the castle.

Later at night

Castle HQ

Hange on the table with moblit to cheering her up and he cleaned up the tears with a tissue after he take her glasses off.

Zoë: "i-i-i miss them so much."

Moblit: "me too babe."

"Greetings you two."

They look up and saw captain black enter the dining room with them. Moblit become confused to said, "what are you doing here, sir." Captain black replied back to moblit, "i got surprised for you two."

Moblit: "what kind of surprise?"

Captain black: "you two will be going to las Pegasus as your first romantic gateway vacation for 2 weeks because I feel bad for you two losing sawney and bean this afternoon."

Moblit: "that's wonderful idea sir, romantic gateway vacation for us. Right babe."

Zoë: "yeah, I need a vacation sometimes."

Captain black: "splendid, i already booked at Cesar hotel plaza and got VIP hotel room for you two. And leaving on Sunday morning."

Moblit: "sounds good. But I asked reiner about it first beside he's my team leader."

[New chapter is out for this story]

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