welcome red dragon strike force

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It's middle of night at trost district with everyone asleep but not everyone like 12 bandits broke in inside the warehouse to stole some stuff.

1st bandit begin to speak of greedy, "good work boys until finish it time to head back to our hideout." All of them agreed continue gathering some blankets and jewels but they didn't realize something jump through the window to the floor begin sneaking through the boxes. One of the bandit finding something in the back is far from the others but he didn't know there's huge shadow rose up from the floor to reveal phantom ninja and tap his on the shoulder to get him attention and turn around to see phantom ninja who scared look on his face.

Phantom ninja: "hello there."

He was about to yelled for back up from the bandits but winter blast him into block of ice from behind by the figure who walked to the light from the shadow reveal madam ice glacier with sly grin on her face and her hand on the hip.

Madam ice glacier: "ice try punk, you shouldn't speak with ice inside of you that's very rude."

Phantom ninja: "cool pun madam ice glacier."

Madam ice glacier: "thanks pn."

At the front of the warehouse with other bandits almost done to stole some weapons and suddenly hear footsteps towards them turn around to see captain archer got quiver in his hand got twin arrow to aim at them, "well well, what do we have here. Some bandits steal some goods inside the warehouse."

1st bandit pull out a dagger and said to mystery person of anger, "who the hell are you? Why you wearing ridiculous outfit." Captain archer began to speak of pride, "I'm captain archer and say hello to my team." They heard panther growl somewhere in the building to look up to see black panther on top of medium box begin to transform into lady black panther.

Captain archer: "lady black panther, careful she dangerous for a lady."

A small of amount of ice come out of nowhere to blast 1st bandit hand with a dagger and he scream in pain to alarm the others.

2nd bandit: "who bastard did that. Come out and show yourself."

Madam ice glacier walk to them right next to the leader with phantom ninja and she begins to speak with polite, "good heavens, that some language from you young man. Did your mother teach you some manners."

Phantom ninja: "yeah"

Captain archer: "this is madam ice glacier, she's polite like a madam and very dangerous to shoot ice from her hands. And phantom ninja that lurks in the shadow in the wall or floor like a phantom." "We're red dragon strike force."

Several bandits begin to laugh at their new name bit and 1st bandit said to them with little bit of laugh and amused, "hahahaha that's ridiculous name for your team, bud."

Madam ice glacier: "we teach you all some manners. Am I right captain."

Captain archer: "yup, red dragon strike force attack!"

They leap in the air towards them with scared look on their faces begin fighting with red dragon strike force.

Next morning

Everyone reading the newspaper about bandits being tied up inside of warehouse by unknown team and begin talking each other.

"Who tied up the bastards last night."

"One of bandit told MP it's was red dragon strike force."

"Red Dragon strike force?"

"Whoever they are. They're good to beat them up for good to steal the stuff.


Reiner and the others just heard the whole thing with warm smile and turn around back to HQ.

Meanwhile at dash residence house with rainbow dash at the kitchen just drinking coffee and eating scramble eggs and bacon while rainbow quartz drink the milk bottle. She then heard video ding from her phone and pick it up to answer it with the video screen come out with rarity inside of a diner.

Rainbow: "hey babe."

Rarity: "good morning dashie, how you and rainbow quartz been."

Rainbow: "we're doing good, babe. We're going to church with my parents and going work after that while my parents babysit her."

"Good plan rainbow."

Rainbow: "that's sapphire shore at the background

She moved her phone to sapphire shore that rainbow could see her and said while take a sip of raspberry wine in a wine glass, "hey sapphire shore, what you all doing."

Sapphire: "we're eating dinner at fancy restaurant that's all."

Rainbow: "good, don't make my wife drink too much."

Rarity: "I won't honey. Where rainbow quartz at?"

She switched the camera to rainbow quartz in her baby booster seat and rarity said, "hi pumpkin, I'll be home very soon." Rainbow quartz giggles to her mother at france with sapphire shore.

Sapphire: "she's adorable, rarity."

Rarity: "thank you sapphire. She look like me and got rainbow dash hair."

Rainbow: "yup."

She switched the camera back to her and said, "oh, me and squirt going to indigo zap and sunny flare gender party on Saturday."

Rarity: "sunny flare having a baby."

Rainbow: "that's right, they tell us about the baby going to be boy or girl with medium present box."

Rarity: "good plan."

[New and improve chapter]

raridash vol. 4: tarakudo awakens.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz