meet tangela

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Steve and his friends walking through the corridor to front entrance lead to outside heading to sidewalk,Steve said, "you guys wanna come over to my house to play video games."

Snot: "yeah, sure Steve."

They stop walking and encounter vine pokemon named tangela block their path begin to stare at them.

Barry: "what the hell is that? Look like ball of yarn with eyes and feet."

Steve noticed galar pokedex appeared in front of his feet and began picked it up with his hand to examine for a moment, it turn on by itself reveal a screen of tangela to scan in 3 seconds and image appears of tangela and female computer voice come up.

Female computer voice: "tangela. Vine pokemon, grass type. Hidden beneath a tangle of vines that grows nonstop even if the vines are torn off, this pokemon appearance remain a mystery."

Steve: "it's pokemon that's all Barry. You wanna come with us little buddy."

Tangela: "tangela."

Snot: "sweet."

At Smith residence house

Klaus and Roger dress up as uncle Roger sitting on the couch watching tv for a moment when Steve opened the door to enter the house with his friends and tangela who closed the door with his foot.

Klaus: "who's that creature with you, Steve?"

Steve: "this tangela, he's pokemon."

Roger walk toward tangela to grab a vine begin pulling it to see vine coming out that shocked Roger.

Roger: "what the hell? The vines just kept going when I pulled."

The vine become growing to fill up the whole living room in vines, Roger stopped pulling the vines and cut it with his teeth.

Roger: "yeah, this is bad idea to pulling pokemon vines that fill up the living room with us inside."

Klaus: "geeze you think."

Toshi begin to speak in Japanese of scared, "let clean up this mess before everyone noticed it." Francine, Haley, and Jeff enter the living room who filled up with vines for a moment.

Jeff: "cool, Taffy vines. Yummy."

Steve: "no its vine from tangela."

Jeff: "oh."

[New chapter is out for today]

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