meet the cadets

35 1 0

Monday noon

Outside of HQ with rashad and nifa who's waiting for the visitors from another world to find the mask then reiner and christa show with them and said, "did our new friends show up yet?"

Nifa: "not yet."

A orange portal of section 13 show up at 7 feet of them in right side of HQ as christa with a smile, "alright, they're here." They saw twilight and her friends coming through the portal to outside with them.

Twilight wearing low cut light purple blouse to expose red bra straps on both sides, blue indigo skirt with her trademark on it, and shoes. Got a geode around the neck.

Derpy wears plan Green shirt, tight jean pants, and tennis shoes. She holding brown handbags in both hands.

Reiner: "greetings, welcome to trost district."

The Thing: "thanks Blondie."

Captain black standing at the portal to look at them with warm smile and said, "good luck team to find oni mask." Reiner and the scouts salute back at him with warm smiles on their face as christa said, "you got it captain."

The portal closed up with twilight and her friends enter the base with them to see several scouts begin to stare at them with confused and curious look. They spotted commander Erwin and hange zoe.

Commander Erwin: "hello there, I'm commander Erwin of scout regiment and this is section commander zoë hange."

Zoë: "hey there."

Batgirl: "you too ma'am."

Derpy: "excuse me, commander Erwin. It's okay with you to use a room to make mask removal spell."

Commander Erwin smile at derpy to use a room to make mask removal spell and said, "of course mrs. Shimmer. You need three people to help you with the spell."

Derpy: "sure."

Connie, bertholdt and ymir show up to see the visitors from the another world then commander Erwin look at the trio with stern look and said, "you three help mrs. Shimmer to make mask removal spell at other room."

Connie: "yes sir."

Derpy put the first handbag down on the floor with RJ open it up to grab three different type of color stiff puffer fishes to handed ymir, krista, commander erwin, hange zoe, and Waltz.

Derpy: "use it just in case when new type of shadowkhans show up."

Ymir: "you got it."

"Well, well, well. What do we have here. Captain black pals."

They look up at HQ small building roof in shock to see harley quinn, dogpound, Half-bake, and kangor. Connie was shock to see dog-like creature with a huge fist.

The thing: "how do you know about us, dollface."

Harley Quinn: "tarakudo told us besides they're already here at other side of town to find oni mask right now."

Christa: "ohh no."

Batgirl look at twilight and the group, "me, the thing, rj, and iron fist will handle them while rest of you to find oni mask. Alright."

Twilight: "you got it batgirl."

She grab another stiff puffer fish from the bag real quick and they exit the HQ towards the town to find oni mask while the trio take derpy inside the HQ

Then RJ rollout his right sleeve to reveal jungle fury wolf morpher on his wrist and activated, "jungle beast, spirit unleashed." He transform into jungle fury wolf ranger to amaze zoë, Erwin, and several scouts."

RJ: "with courage of a wolf. Jungle fury wolf ranger."

Half-bake: "I handle this one."

Harley Quinn: "of course sugar."

He turn around to jump off towards the roof to runaway with wolf ranger chasing him then thing said to them with sly grin, "it's clobberin time, cupcakes."

[New chapter is out for raridash story vol. 4]

raridash vol. 4: tarakudo awakens.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora