prepared the date part 1: zoë hange

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Zoë: "umm girls, where are we going lately?"

Sasha: "rainbow dash told me about on video bracelet com there's a place  called canterlot day spa at canterlot city since last night." "We're prepared for your date with moblit tonight."

Zoë: "oh right."

Ymir: "let's go to canterlot city, girls."

Mikasa lift her wrist up to reveal transport bracelet to press a red button to teleport them to canterlot city.

Several people walking in the sidewalk just minding on their business then suddenly mikasa and the girls teleport on the sidewalk with confused look on several people faces as they look around.

Christa: "wow, this universe without any titans at all, Girls."

Ymir: "you said it sweetheart."

They begin walking in the sidewalk to say spa from 5 miles to them and arrived at the spa and mikasa opened the door to enter towards the counter with aloe at the counter and she greet them.

Aloa: "welcome to canterlot day spa, you must be the visitors from another universe that rainbow dash telling me about on the phone today. Correct."

Christa: "yes ma'am. We're prepared section commander date with moblit tonight."

Aloa: "splendid, let get started shall we, to due hair, finger nails, and little bit of massage. And rest of you girls relaxed on hot tube and seaweed warp. It's on the house."

Ymir: "alright."

Annie: "that's wonderful."

Day spa staff handed spa robes to them to change at the changing room. In few minutes, mikasa and the girls relaxed on seaweed warp with cucumber on the eyes or the hot tub while hange getting a makeover.

Sasha: "this is relaxing that I ever had, girls."

Mikasa: "yeah, commander Erwin gives us a dayoff to prepare section commander date."

Annie: "yup, what the boys doing right now at home."

Ymir relaxing at the hot tub with Christa and said of claim,"they prepared moblit like us or just goofing off right now as we speak." They giggled about it and continued relaxing.

Annie: "you're right ymir."

Lotus doing hange hair with a comb and scissor in both hands and she said to hange, "so who's the lucky guy at your universe, ms. Hange."

Zoë: "his name moblit berner, he's great assistant that I ever had in my life."

Lotus: "aww that's sweet."

Meanwhile with at trost district hq with connie talking with dozen scout regiment but then a voice appears, "connie, my boy." They then turn around to see doctor strange with copper plum, lemon zest, green arrow,  groot, and iron man."

Connie: "hey doctor, That for me and mikasa working with at hazard county on Thursday."

Doctor strange: "yup, this is copper plum, lemon zest, green arrow, Groot, and iron man."

Connie: "great, Nice to meet you all."

Copper: "you too man."

Iron man: "very nice to meet you mr. Springer."

Lemon zest: "you dudes are cool for scout regiment cadets."

Groot: "I am groot."

Doctor strange: "connie, how you like to learn magic with me to become sorcerer supreme to protect your friends and family."

Connie got huge grin on his face to learn magic with doctor strange and said, "of course doc, I love to."

Doctor strange: "excellent, your lesson on Friday at sanctum sanctorum in new York city during afternoon at 5:00 pm."

Connie: "sound good doc."

Lemon zest: "way to go bro, you will learn magic with the sorcerer supreme. That's radical."

Copper: "you said it lemon."

Groot: "I am groot."

Green arrow: "yeah, not bad kid."

[New chapter is out]

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