arrive at Springfield

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The Simpsons original universe in 2021 edition

Next day at Springfield, Illinois there's a lot of people walking on the side walk or driving on the road.

at the Springfield elementary school backyard with groundskeeper willie watering the grass then all of sudden a portal show up in three feet of him.

Groundskeeper willie: "what the?"

Principal skinner and superintendent chalmers show up next to willie stare at the portal too. He turned to principal skinner with stern look on his face, "umm Seymour, why a super natural portal show up at school grounds?"

Principal skinner: "beats me sir."

Sunset shimmer and her crew exit the portal to the grass with doctor strange just floating in mid-air inside the portal, "good luck my friends to find the second mask somewhere in this city. But you need to find police chief officer clancey and his police officers first."

Sunset: "you got it doc."

Indigo zap: "yes sir."

Doctor strange closed the portal with his powers and sunset shimmer look at three school staffs with confused and scared look on their faces. Sunset shimmer wears short black jacket with orange tube top inside to exposed her belly, blue tight pants, and sneakers. She got her geode around the neck. Indigo zap wears plan black shirt, green camo shorts, and shoes.

Sunset: "hi."

Principal skinner: "hello there."

Sonic the hedgehog: "let's find police chief officer and his friends in this city."

Gopal: "great idea mr. Hedgehog."

Uncle: "fine but uncle need find the mask inside the museum soon as possible."

Principal skinner: "but why? Sir."

He finger slapped on his forehead really hard and said, "don't question uncle. Mama boy." Chalmers and willie begin giggle a bit like uncle called skinner an mama boy."

Sunset: "better get going to the city find 3 police officers before going to museum."

Boboiboy: "you got it, ms. Shimmer."

"Not so fast, punks."

They saw tarakudo two henchmen, babyface and sir brad starlight with smirk grin on their faces and indigo zap said, "you must be tarakudo goons, that's correct."

Babyface: "correct, see. We're here to stop you find second mask."

Sir brad: "yeah."

Spiderman got idea inside of his and look at his face, "you guys go ahead to find the police officers in the city while Me, boboiboy, and knuckles take care of those goons."

Indigo: "go ahead web head."

They then running around the school towards the sidewalk heading the city to find police chief clancey wiggum and his police officers to join team up find mask inside the museum while spiderman, knuckles, and boboiboy fighting against babyface and sir bad starlight.

Principal skinner: "better get out of the way from this."

Chalmers: "good idea Seymour."

They walked backwards towards the window of ms. Berra Classroom with Brat turned around at the window to see spiderman, red hedgehog, and boy stare down with two bad guys.

Brat: "hey everyone, look at the window."

They towards the window to see real life spiderman and his friends battle with two bad guys at the playground.

Nelson: "I bet on the freak baby head with man body to win."

Milhouse: "not me."

Boboiboy: "elemental power!"

He transform into boboiboy lighting to shock the students and staffs of Springfield elementary school to see the transformation.

Jimbo: "dudes! That's awesome."

Baby face running towards spiderman in full speed but he jumped in mid-air from behind baby face and straight towards back with powerful dropkick went to the grass.

Kearney: "kick his butt, spider dude."

Baby face get up from the grass with little bit of dirt on him and become mad, "you pay for it, webhead, see."

Spiderman: "ooh, someone need a nap."

He shoot a web on the chest and pressed the button on wrist to make lighting inside the web towards baby face to shock him in 3 seconds and passed out on the ground.

Nelson: "haw-haw!"

Spiderman: "thank you lighting web."

Lisa reading a book while her classmates and ms. Hoover watching the fight from outside.

Becky: "hey Lisa, you're missing these."

Lisa: "no it's just people who dressed up in goofy costumes to put a show for us."

Sir brad starlight and boboiboy lighting sword fighting each other and knuckles show up in mid air above boboiboy to give knuckle sandwich on sir brad starlight face that send him flying backwards to spiderman.

Knuckles: "go for it spidey."

Spiderman: "with pleasure, knuckles."

He use powerful dropkick on him that send him flying forward towards ms. Hoover classroom to crash through the room to hallway, out cold.

Nelson: "oh, that's gotta hurt."

Then all of sudden another portal show up again to reveal batman and captain black exit the portal.

Bart: "no way it's batman."

Batman handcuffs out cold baby face and look at spiderman, "thanks spiderman."

Spiderman: "no problem bats."

Mr. Glascock and mr.Johnson drag brad by the arms towards outside with them and captain black pull out handcuffs to arrest him.

Batman: "I take them to Gotham city prison."

Captain black: "of course batman. Oh there's a person want to join you guys find the 2nd mask."

Spiderman: "who is it?"

Unknown person exit the portal to reveal the others to be meta knight and begin to speak with Spanish accent, "greetings I'm meta knight from Cappy town."

Mr. Johnson: "hello."

[New chapter is out for this story]

raridash vol. 4: tarakudo awakens.Where stories live. Discover now