new costumes

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Sunset walking with reiner and the others in the hallway during their 1st tour and reiner see several agents walk pass them and arrive at Lab with different type of gadgets and weapons, test tubes, four different types of costumes inside of tubes, and desks.

Sunset: "welcome to section 13 lab that we got gadgets and weapons from kelper.

Kelper towards the group with warm smile and holding red metal with blue lines wrist band begin to speak, "greetings, I'm kelper. The section 13 engineer. So your visitors from another universe that's correct." Than moblit said with kind, "yes, we are, kelper." Ymir saw red metal wrist band with curious look and said, "hey, kelper, what's that you holding there."

Kelper: "this captain archer wrist band got installed with force shield in the middle."

Reiner become confused and said, "captain archer?" He lead 4 of them to tubes with costumes inside and they look at 1st one is dark black ninja suit with sliver belt with medium green button on it and wrist comlick on the right including the mark of red dragon on top of ninja mask then kelper begin to speak, "this one here called phantom ninja mark 1 installed with spikes underneath the boots that walked in the trees or building, green button to make huge indestructible shield that protect you from everything. And that you transform into a phantom with or without the suit."

Moblit: "whoa, that's pretty neat. Kelper."

Kelper: "thank you moblit after all this costumes are yours."

Moblit and his group become shock at kelper about the costumes is their and krista speak of little surprise, "you mean it kelper. He nodded his head at them and reiner said with pride, "that's really nice of you, man."

Ymir: "yeah, what about 2nd the costume."

Kelper: "glady, ymir."

They begin to look at 2nd costume has blue crop top has red dragon logo on it, white tight leggings with dark blue lines, long white gauntlet gloves with ice repulsor nods, visor helmet, and short light blue heel boots.

Kelper: "this is madam ice glacier costume. It can shoot of ice with ice repulsor nods inside of gauntlet gloves. Your visor with feds and information about your enemies or friends."

Ymir with sly grin on her face to see her costume and said, "ho ho, I already like it, bud." Kelp introduce them to captain archer inside of tube the costume is sleeveless blue shirt with "C" symbol with red jacket hoodie and paired with red pants and white gloves with red dragon logo on it, another similar wrist band in the left. Golden eye mask. Got blue sash belt.

Reiner: "this is captain archer outfit. Kelper."

Kelper: "that's right. You got own bow and quiver with different type of arrows."

Reiner: "what type of arrows?"

Kelper: "missile arrows, titan seeking arrow, sonic arrow, boxing glove arrow, grappling hook arrow, smoke gas arrow, drill arrow, explosive arrow, and taser arrow."

Reiner: "whoa, that's pretty awesome."

Kelper: "thank you and the last one is lady black panther outfit it's contained with antractic vibranium that makes you goes super speed, super strength, and everything. Including transform into female black panther with or without the suit. It's installed with mini gauntlet machine gun with infinity ammo on right glove. Perfect size for you, ms. Lenz."

Christa eyes went to see lady black panther suit and got red dragon logo on the belt buckle and kelper begin to speak, "I will send these suits at your rooms inside of HQ at your world with transport ray after get done with this wrist band."

Reiner: "sounds great."

After got done talking with kelper about the costumes and exit the lab towards the vault to meet shendu and talismans. They spotted pauly sentry and cherry begin walking towards in their work out outfits in the hallway and cherry said to sunset, "this those people you been talking about, sunset."

Sunset: "yup."

Pauly: "good, welcome to section 13."

Ymir: "thanks."

They begin continue walking in the hallway and sunset shimmer said to them with polite, "get some coffee real quick at break room."

Christa: "of course sunset, go ahead."

They arrive at the break room to become shock and afraid to see 4 worms like alien creatures drinking cup of coffee and smoking as sunset shimmer towards them with warm smile and said, "hey boys."

Worms: "hey sunset."

Sunset grab the plastic red cup on the table and said, "what kind of coffee is it?"

Neeble: "dunkn' dounts coffee."

Sunset: "really, their coffee is really good."

Geeble: "you said it, sunset."

Geeble pour the coffee on the cup but and stop then sunset towards the table to grab slim milk to pour it and mix it with a plastic spoon and said to the worms, "you guys doing good."

Worms: "yeah."

Sunset: "great, don't work too hard."

Worms: "okay."

Neeble: "so, you guys seen the new wungas in payroll."

Sunset walk to the group with shocked and scared look on their faces at the worms and exit the break room begin continue walking in the hallway towards the vault going to meet shendu and talismans

Moblit: "(thought) that was weird."

Sleeble: "what about the zapwataa."

The worms begins to laugh really loud.

[Sorry about the delay everyone because I was babysitting my niece and nephew for a bit yesterday. I will published another one on next Monday afternoon at 7:00 pm.]

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