let's 1st date begins

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Moblit look himself in the huge mirror in a tuxedo  and ready for 1st date with second commander tonight and turn around to see Erwin, jean, reiner, Groot, and captain America.

Moblit: "how do I look guys."

Erwin: "you look great moblit."

Groot: "I am groot."

Captain America: "I agree with groot."

Reiner: "moblit, as your team leader, I have to say, "don't screw it up alright."

Moblit: "i won't reiner."

They then exit the room to corridor towards the courtyard that hange and the girls are right now who waiting for them. In few minutes later, they arrive at the courtyard  to see girls and hange that surprise from moblit because she wearing sleeveless red dress, blue slippers, hoop earrings on both ears, and pearl necklace around her neck. She has red lipstick and her hair into a huge bun. That make his jaw drop down on the floor.

Zoë: "how do I look moblit."

Jean closed his jaw shut and begin to snap of it for a minute to stare hange with bedroom eyes and lovely smile.

Moblit: "you look beautiful zoë."

Zoë: "thank you moblit."

Moblit: "ready to go our 1st date at canterlot city."

Zoë: "yup."

Mikasa press a button on her teleport bracelet to teleport hange and moblit to canterlot city for their date.

Canterlot city

In front of le cheval d'or restaurant with zoë and moblit show up on the sidewalk. Begin enter the restaurant just both of them found sitting a table listening to violin music.

Zoë: "wow, this restaurant look fancy that we ever been."

Moblit: "yeah."

The owner of restaurant named fancy pants walk to them and said, "greetings you two must be visitors from another world."

Moblit: "yes sir."

Fancy pants: "splendid, your food and drinks is on the house."

Zoë: "thank you mr. Pants."

Fancy pants: "no problem ma'am. I'll get the waiter to bring you an menu. So enjoy the entertainment."

He went back to get waiter while moblit and zoë enjoying the music for a minute as waiter to be Octavia melody holding menus in her hands towards their table and handed them the menus.

Octavia: "greetings I'm Octavia melody. I'll be your waitress for tonight."

End of chapter for this story. But don't I make another one on Wednesday so stay tune.

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