Katsuki Bakugou

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Requested by: AllisonTart

[A/N]: Requests aren't actually open, I just felt like I could do this one.


"It's that time again, huh?"

The appeal of a romance-oriented holiday had never resonated with Bakugou, for obvious reasons. He'd forged a clear and concise map of the future, and not once amid the scrawl of 'Defeat all the villains' and 'Reign supreme as an explosive, immortal GOD' had he written 'Love'. To him, it served as little more than a chemical imbalance, an inconvenient and frankly irritating part of many people's lives. But he wasn't a sheep, and he didn't need a partner.

However, no amount of scorn could save him from conformity to social pressure.

You sauntered into his world, and his advances were restricted only by a demurral to concede to his heart. Why should this frivolous emotion control his life? And for a time, he considered seeking out an optician, less for his eyes and (if such a thing existed) more for his heart. Then, it could see that the feelings it graced him with, and all that followed - sweatier-than-usual palms, near cardiac arrest, and the like - were violations of his status as a god. Alas, he realised that would be a silly thing to google. He suffered with the thoughts for many days and nights, until you took note of his pitiful state. You reached out a metaphorical hand (although he would've preferred a real one), letting him know that you were always available for a chat. He rejected your offer quite harshly, but you didn't seem too put-out.

In fact, you showed up to class on the subsequent day with flowers and chocolate in tow. He hadn't known it was Valentine's Day. That caused a great stir, indeed.

But two years down the line, your relationship was secure. Well...

Bakugou was running, a villain in impassioned pursuit. Normally, he would've turned and blasted them into oblivion, but right now...right now, you were of greater importance. In all actuality, he hadn't noticed the villain. Instead, he'd heard a distant scream - your scream. Your anguish was almost palpable, and he couldn't stand even the thought. He decided to forgo his battles, and run to you. If he didn't...

He shook his head, anger and fear circling his body. You had become something...someone he couldn't live without. You never strayed from a fight, and you always won. He'd never heard such an expression of pain - not from your lips. He needed to get there, and quickly. He couldn't bear a single thought of your condition, but he couldn't remove them from his mind. It raced with the possibilities, and it was so much faster than his feet. Even with the addition of his quirk...

Actually...he seemed to slow down. What was happening? He hadn't tripped, he hadn't stilled of his own volition. But somehow...that didn't seem to matter. He was slowing, explosions fading until they were nothing more than sparks. The villain had caught up, but he paid him no heed. No...he was looking at you. Or, more accurately...he was looking at your body. Your corpse. You'd fallen, though you had retained your grace and otherwordly beauty, until the bitter end. Your opponent had also fallen. So you had given a viscous fight, and in a way...you'd won.

But, Bakugou...he'd lost everything.

His broken screams carried the pain of nations.

You awoke to that very sound, strident and tortured. You knew immediately that Bakugou was the source, so you left the comfort of your bed with no hesitation. You'd never heard such a scream - not from his lips. Your rooms were adjacent, and you'd copied each other's keys in the first year, for 'emergencies'. That usually consisted of impromptu study sessions and movie nights, not...real emergencies. You let yourself in, finding Bakugou on his bed, covers kicked aside. He had fallen silent, though tears crept down his cheeks. You launched yourself at his side, prepared to do anything...anything at all, to ease his affliction.

It was a nightmare, certainly, but...of what?

You shook him with gentle hands, unsure of what grave consequence might apply were you to startle the sleep from his mind. You'd heard tall tales of that sort, and you weren't ready to test them. His name rolled off your tongue, as you chased your intent. It was whispered, muttered, nigh-yelled...

And then he woke, giving himself to your awaiting arms. You had expected a cuddle, but not this iron grip. For a moment, you rocked him, and all was quiet.

"I thought you...I-I saw you..." His words were punctured by tears, but you wiped each one away. "You were...you died. I couldn't save you! I couldn't...I can't - can't lose you again...! Please...please don't leave."

"I won't leave, Katsuki. Can you tell me everything? Please?" When your lips met his forehead, his breathing began to even.

He nodded, feeling defeat, sorrow, pain and loss...as if they were one. "You...I...I heard you scream, so I ran. I ran so fucking fast, but I slowed down...I didn't want to, I just...my quirk stopped, and I found you...You were...you were dead. I saw it...I saw you. I couldn't...I couldn't do anything! I was too late...too late to save you! I thought I'd lost you forever."

Your breath hitched. That...he was that afraid of losing you? "I'm here, Katsuki. I'll always be here. My quirk's pretty strong, y'know? Frostbite can do a number on anyone."

"I know that...I know. I'm just...I'm scared."

It was rare for Katsuki to display such vulnerability, openly - even rarer than a Blue Moon! In this moment, you weren't sure whether to be more worried or honoured. His love soared to heights you'd never even imagined. You smiled, in spite of his words, eyes flitting to the clock above.


Nothing could stop that smile from growing wider and more radiant, with each passing second.  

"Katsuki, hon...Happy Valentine's."

[Word Count: 970]

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