Touya Todoroki ღ Dabi {Hogwarts AU}

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With hair as black as charred wood and eyes glinting in the unkind sunlight, the stranger continued to stare into your soul. You squirmed on the spot, obviously uncomfortable, but your friends didn't appear to have noticed yet. You turned to the confectionery in the shop - this guy would not ruin your Hogsmeade trip. It was the highlight of this term, and you would not see it spoiled by some dark and mysterious figure with a shit-eating grin and a suspiciously long cloak. His face was odd too - like it had been ripped apart in some places and crudely put back together. Yet, nobody seemed disturbed by his presence.

Nobody but you, that was.

Those profound, aquamarine eyes reminded you of a classmate, but you quickly shook your head. That was stupid. There was no way in Hell that could be the case. You sighed, the breath escaping like wisps of smoke. When you glances upwards, towards the alien man, you instead happened upon an empty space. This was confusing, but he did look older than you, so you figured he probably just apparated. It was strange though - you didn't recognise him from Hogwarts, and he certainly couldn't have just been someone random. He had been watching you intently, as if there was an ulterior motive. You decided to keep your guard up, just in case. You fingered the shaft of your wand, ready to use it at a moment's notice. Purple skin littered the man's body, making you wonder if he had been caught in a house fire or something. They must have been some intense flames, to damage the flesh that badly. Although, you still managed to find him quite attractive - the piercings that made him look like a complete badass, the spiky ebony hair, and those striking eyes...

Honestly, you couldn't stop thinking about his eyes.

Behind the clock, you had briefly glimpsed a low-hanging white shirt, through which you could see some nice muscle definition. You stopped, blushing and horrified with yourself. Unfortunately, you bumped into something hard. That definitely wasn't one of your friends - they were soft and plump. A muffled cry escaped your lips, and you pulled back, holding your head. A shadow crept over you, sending tiny icicles shooting down your spine. You gulped. Slowly, you began to lift your head, coming face-to-face with the stranger from earlier. His Cheshire-Cat smile had since disappeared, but once he took in your slightly dishevelled appearance, it made a swift return. Your hair was curling at the ends and becoming very frizzy, almost as though you had rubbed it against a balloon. All the blood seemed to pool in your cheeks. You were embarrassed and terrified at the same time. When his voice graced your ears, you barely had time to register that his lips were touching them. That seductive, enticing sound took you by surprise, giving the man ample opportunity to tease you a little.

"Hello there, princess ~" He purred, dragging his tongue along the shell of your ear.

You whimpered - your ears were extremely sensitive. "W-What...? Who?"

He laughed at your distress, sliding a hand down to caress yours, luring it away from your wand. "The name's Dabi. At your service, kitten."

"Ah!" You moaned as he started to clamp down on your neck.

"Feeling good, babe?" He cooed. "Young witches are so easy..."

His fingers intertwined with yours, but you desperately tried to claw them apart. You didn't want to be a play-thing for this sadist. He moved closer to you, until your back was against the wall and there was a leg between your thighs. That was when your nails ghosted across something on his wrist - a tattoo?

Dabi growled. "I have some plans for you, darling."

[Word Count: 633]

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