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"We all have demons. I just choose to feed mine." -Unknown

Harry's POV

"Well Ryleigh. Let's go fuck some shit up and save Kennedy." I stood up from the chair with a huge smirk.

"After you." Ryleigh smirked back.

I led Ryleigh out of the office, letting her go in front of me before locking the office door behind us. We were gonna save Kennedy. I don't care how reckless we had to get.

Ryleigh and I hurried out of the eerie building and jumped straight into my car. I was so fucking relived to be out of there. It felt like the air was slowly getting thicker and it was getting harder to breathe.

"Hey Harry, uhm. How exactly are we gonna fuck shit up by the way?" Ryleigh turned towards me in her seat.

"Glad you asked. I'm taking you to another secret place." I pushed my car keys into the key slot to start the car.

"Ooo! Two special spots in one day? I feel honored. Where are you taking me now?" Ryleigh pressed her hands to her chest dramatically.

I enjoyed her trying to lighten my mood. Sadly, I was way too distracted.

"I'm taking you to my basement. All the good weapons are there." I slammed on the pedal, backing out and zooming down the street.

"Man I've always wanted to go to your basement. You talk about it like it's heaven on earth." Ryleigh collapsed against the headrest in awe.

"That's because it is." I chuckled, making a sharp turn into a side street before quickly turning again.

"Hey Harry, are you gonna be okay? Ya know, telling her the truth and everything." Ryleigh's voice went soft and concerning.

I hate sentimental moments. Fuck.

"I've done it before, I can do it again." I shrugged her concern off, not wanting to focus on that right now.

"Yea but, you might be a bit more emotional around Kennedy. You seem to have a soft spot for her. Not that that's bad!" Ryleigh was trying to be there for me. I appreciate the thought but I don't need help.

"I'll be fine. Give it a rest." I couldn't help but be mean. That's my go to when I'm feeling uncomfortable.

"Okay." Ryleigh whispered. She didn't wanna push me too much.

Thank god.

I pulled into my long circle driveway and parked on the right side of my garage. It was a small metal box and held both this car and my dad's red convertible. I never used that car. It just sat and collected dust. But, I couldn't bring myself to sell it.

And trust me, I've tried. Many times.

I got out of the car and clicked the lock button, smirking at the honking sound my car made to notify me it was locked. Ryleigh stood beside me as I admired my car.

"You're just as bad as Kennedy. Your pupils are dilating looking at a fucking car. Do you wanna fuck it too?" Ryleigh snickered.

"Shut up, you're just jealous." I turned my attention to Ryleigh who was now picking at her cuticles.

"Let's just go to your torture chamber of secrets please? I don't want to watch you make googly eyes at a car any longer than I need to." Ryleigh rolled her eyes while giving me the shoulder.

"You're annoying." I groaned and pushed past her to my basement door. Ryleigh chuckled.

My basement door was connected to my garage for safety reasons. The only people who can get into this garage are me, and only me. It's a way to protect what's down here. Trust me when I say what's down their is both valuable and very fucking illegal.

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