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TW: Violence


"I do very bad things, and I do them very well." -Unknown

Harry's POV

"So we get in, get out. No distractions." I looked around at the group, watching as everyone cocked their weapons.

"You say that like it's easy." Liam rolled his eyes and joined Zayn and Niall's side. I rolled my eyes.

"Just, try. I'm planning on walking out of here untouched." I looked back at the car to see Kennedy with her eyes closed.

"No promises. We never seem to leave places untouched." Niall frowned and buttoned up his suit.

"Whatever, just be careful." I pointed down at the floor and stomped my foot. They all nodded.

"You too." Zayn responded, patting my shoulder before parting ways from us with everyone else.

Leaving just me and Ryleigh here, alone.

"Here, take this." I handed Ryleigh one of the two briefcases, holding mine tightly in my left hand.

"How come two of us have to go in?" Ryleigh questioned while we started to slowly walk up to the front of the bank.

"You know why. We don't have any idea what's in here." I gestured to the black box in my hand.

"Whatever, let it kill us. I bet there's bombs in here." Ryleigh shook the case in front of my face.

"Shut up." I groaned and shoved the box to her side. She had an accomplished face because she annoyed me.

I really wish she was a guy sometimes so I could kick her ass

We approached the bank together, side by side, barely touching. I opened the golden double doors for us, revealing a huge marble room with huge ceilings. There was a biblical mural on the ceiling above a huge chandelier.

I looked around to notice Liam and Niall were already talking to a group of people in the lobby. Zayn must be upstairs with Louis, smart moves. They went in before so they could start the mission as soon as possible.

I have a bad feeling about today.

I used to go to this bank with my dad all the damn time. He'd teach me money and shit like this but I never listened. I did however love the brown marble and the old pillars surrounding the main lobby.

My mum used to tell me stories about this place. How it was some church before they turned it into a main bank in Las Vegas. I mean, I never believed her ghost stories about this place but her just telling me them made me happy.

There were two sets of silver elevators on the back wall of the marble room. We walked slowly towards them. I listened to the clicking of Ryleigh's heels on the fragile floor. It was annoying.

"You had to wear heels?" I whispered viciously into her ear, nudging her with the suitcase.

"I always wear heels, I wasn't stopping now." Ryleigh bit back, rolling her eyes and pressing the up button on the elevator.

"That's very inconvenient for you." I shrugged and glanced over to Ryleigh's annoyed frown.

"It's none of your business nosy." Ryleigh scoffed before nudging me in annoyance. Two can play in the who can be the most annoying game, Ryleigh Horan.

The electric doors shoved open, revealing a small glass box. We both stepped in, turning around to face the open doors. Quickly, I pressed the top floor since that's where the safes were.

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