792 21 4

TW: hitting, fighting


"A scar means, 'i survived'" -unknown


Kennedy's POV


I tilted my face up toward the dark night sky. The feeling of the pebbled rain drops hitting the cuts on my face were enough to earn tiny winces from my chapped lips. It was nice though, to feel something.

My feet shuffled against the concrete as I walked aimlessly towards my destination. I abandoned my car back at my apartment when I knew that was the last place I wanted to go.

I steady my head towards my destination, which was only a few steps away. The place I had nearly gotten shot in, had sex in, saw him cry for the first time in. Harry's house.

My heels clicked alongside the pitter patter of the rain, creating a brain scratching sound. I tried to ignore the agonizing pain my body was in as I approached his door.

I quickly looked for refuge under the awning beside his door, allowing my body to succumb to the frozen temperature it was now isolated in. A mixture of open wounds and the rain.

I knocked quietly on the door, leaning against the doorframe, mostly to help myself stand up. A few seconds passed by, then the door opened. I smiled as the familiar face came into view.

Harry held the door open in the dim light of his house. All that was on his body were a rare pair of sweatpants. His whole chest was exposed, all his cuts and wounds on full display.

I held back tears

"How are you here right now?" Harry questioned while stepping towards me. His hand found my cheek which I quickly flinched away from the pain of his soft touch.

"I'm not being watched." I said quietly. That's all I could do right now.

"What happened?" Harry questioned, placing his hand on his hip and the other supporting himself with the door knob.

"It's been a long twenty four hours." I gulped and allowed my head to fall so my eyes were staring at my shoes.

I felt Harry's hand snake around my face until his pointer finger was under my chin. He pulled my chin up gently with his finger and sighed. He let go of my face and grabbed my waist, pulling me into the warm house.

I collapsed against his body, allowing him to hold my weight. I felt tired, but not tired enough to sleep. I held onto his bicep as he helped me stand up straight. It took me a few seconds before I could stand flat on my heels.

"What did he do to you?" Harry whispered beside my ear as he held onto my waist. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Take me to your bathroom. I need a bath." I whispered into his ear.

Harry chuckled quietly to himself before turning my body to the side. He placed his hand on my mid back before bending down and placing his arm behind my knees. He picked me up bridal style and pressed me against his bare skin. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cuddled my head into the inside of his neck, getting his skin wet.

Harry took me up his stairs and pushed into his bedroom. He then pushed through the connecting door into his bathroom. Harry sat me down on his toilet and went to get the bath ready.

I first unclasped my shoes and placed them beside the toilet. This made it much easier to stand up right. I removed my soaking wet trench coat and placed it on the counter. I then peeled off the long black lace gloves that suffocated my hands and arms. I moved towards the mirror and unzipped my tight dress, exposing my breasts and back.

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