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TW: Attempted Suicide 


"All good things must come to an end." -Geoffrey Chaucer


The domino effect. A set of spiraling events. Have you ever heard of the domino effect? Well, the domino effect is a chain of events that happened because one specific event set off a constant chain of new recurring events. Kind of like when you push a domino in a line of dominos, and they all fall down. Hence the name, domino effect. The domino effect happens everywhere you look. A primary example would be yawning. You yawn, then the person next to you yawns, then everyone after that yawns. A domino effect. I felt like I was in a trance last night. Like I was watching real dominos fall one by one as the night went on. Every hour a new thing occurred, and every hour it got worse because of this one thing that set off a scheme of new and recurring events. A domino effect.

11:00 pm, August 27th

The body standing on the tip of the dock, looked back at us then back down at the ocean. It was quiet for a second, nothing but Harry and I's frantic breaths. The man stood there, his back to us as he faced misery.

No one knew what he was going through, the pain. No one understood why he was doing this, why he wanted to do this. All they knew was that it was their friend, and that their friend was in pain.

The man standing at the edge of the doc removed his suit jacket, looking back at me and Harry, and turning back to the ocean. The man held his hands out on either side before collapsing himself into the sea.

The drop was slow and climactic. It was as if Niall was floating above the water as he let himself free. He was freeing himself of the pain. He was riding his body of the constant struggle to breathe.

Time stood still, or so I thought. But as Harry and I stood there, unable to move our legs, Niall was dying. Every second we wasted here on the cement was another second being taken away from Niall's life.

"Niall!" Harry shouted and bolted towards the dock. Instantly I followed, forgetting about any pain or weakness I was previously feeling.

My body pumped with adrenaline as my feet took me flying across the busy highway. Cars honked and trucks slammed on the breaks as we flew in front of them without another moment to spare.

It felt like the dock was miles away. Miles and miles away. I couldn't reach it, not in time. And right now, time was not in our favor. But frankly, it never is. And never will be.

When my shoes hit the hard wood of the dock, I didn't stop. I didn't stop even when I hit the edge of it. I was ready to jump in. Jump in and save him. He doesn't deserve to die, not like this.

Hands pulled on my waist, pulling me back from the edge. I immediately pulled from them, turning around to face Harry. He was shaking in fear, realizing his friend just attempted suicide.

And in this moment, succeeded

"What did you do that for?" I shouted at him, pulling my converse off of my feet as I got ready to dive in.

"I can't lose you too Kennedy!" Harry shouted over his teeth chattering. His eyes locked on mine, giving me a look of sincerity.

I walked up to him and cupped his cheek. He was genuinely scared. For me, and for Niall.

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