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"I am sorry if I ever contributed to the suffering of your heart." -Hiatus


Kennedy's POV


Three Years Ago


"Ready, go!" My father called out, holding his fist in the fighting position. I wiped sweat from my forehead and got into position.

Retracing his words in my head, I moved to the left, ducking under his punch and hitting him in the side. My father stood like iron, moving slightly to make another move on me. His leg swung at my knees, I jumped avoiding his impact.

"Good." He said, adjusting his stance to attack me in a new way. I nodded, noting that I was doing what he wanted.

Without time to think, my father wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me against him. I immediately threw my arm back, hitting him straight in his eye, forcing him to lose strength. I kicked the heel of my foot back into his crotch, breaking myself free.

I turned around, grabbing onto his wrist and twisting it, pulling him down to the ground. Landing on my knees, I crawled over him, nailing him to the ground. My father laid below me with a bloody nose.

"Give?" I questioned, holding my fist up while I held his hands above his head. My father smirked.

"Yes, give." He chuckled.

I let go of his wrist, standing up so he didn't make any moves on me. Pulling my ponytail tighter, I took a brief moment to catch my breath before he made us try a whole new approach.

"You've improved." My father said from the ground as he recuperated himself. I chuckled while fixing my tank top.

"Xavier's been helping me with combat." I smiled, thinking about Xavier and I's combat sessions.

"The boys doing something right. I didn't teach you that crotch kick move." My father slowly got himself off the ground.

"Sorry if it hurts." I quickly apologized.

"If anything, it needs to hurt more. Hand me that towel." My father pointed to the towel behind me.

As I turned to grab the towel, I felt movement behind me. I quickly turned, grabbing his fist as it came charging at me. Turning it, I kicked his stomach, forcing him to fall back against the fence.

"What the hell? What if I didn't know you were attacking?" I questioned, throwing the towel at him.

"I knew you'd know. I trained you to know." My father smirked as blood coated his teeth from his bloody nose.

"Leo! Is it ready?" My father called out to my uncle who was setting up the shooting range behind the garage.

"Almost!" Leonardo called out.

"We're doing it blindfolded today." My father held up a bandana from his pocket. I sighed and nodded.

"Dad, I'm leaving for college tomorrow. Can't I do this when I get home over thanksgiving?" I questioned, wanting to go out with Xavier and Natalie. Nat's friend is having a rooftop party in the city.

"The fucking pricks who pray on pretty girls don't wait till thanksgiving break to attack you." My father hissed.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes and walked over to where Leonardo was finishing up the target.

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