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a/n: Hold onto your hats people because this gets a bit confusing and I am sorry:(


"Everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud." -Unknown

Sunshine. It's what wakes us up in the morning. I've been compared to sunshine a few times in my life. Usually by men who call women by pet names because they think they're quirky, but I've still been called it.

This morning, the sunshine was brighter. I was brighter. I woke up sprawled out on a huge king sized bed. White sheets were wrapped around my body, enclosing me in a tight cocoon of warmth.

The sun was beaming on my eyes, forcing them to open and engage in the rays burning my skin. I flinched away, digging my head into the pillow beside me for safety.

The warmth on my back from the transparent glass made it feel like a hug forever attacking my naked behind. I smiled at the warm feeling, never wanting it to end.

I loved sunshine

Eventually, I turned back to face the sun. It was burning even brighter than before. I don't know how, but it was. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the new found light.

I looked around the room, noticing where I was. I was in Harry's bedroom, alone. Where was Harry? Did he seriously leave me to wake up alone in his bedroom after having sex for the first time together?

Speaking of that, we had sex together

I couldn't stop the smile that formed on top of my lips, flashing the room with my teeth. I was so happy about what had happened last night to care that I was naked and alone in his bed.

Although, I do wish he was here

"Harry?" I called out with my raspy morning voice, having just woken up. It was deep and dried.

I wrapped my body in a random white blanket and hopped off of his bed. I wrapped my hands around the sheet, making sure it was covering my vital parts. I walked to a door in the corner of the room that was half opened.

I leant on the wall and peaked through the doorway. It was a huge walk-in closet, covered in shoes and clothing. It once more didn't look like anything Harry would ever have. But, standing there buttoning up his dress shirt, was Harry.

Gorgeous, gorgeous Harry

"How are you always up so early?" I pushed the door open all the way, exposing both myself and Harry.

Harry picked his head up from his stare on his dress shirt. His jaw was slacked and his fingers were knitting in and out of his buttons. He looked sexy with his shirt half unbuttoned.

"Good morning to you too." Harry chuckled, looking back down to his shirt and continuing his buttons,

"Seriously, you're always up way before me. Dressed and everything." I fixed my hold on the thin sheet wrapped around my body.

"I get up bright and early to workout, shower, eat and everything else under the sun." Harry finished buttoning his shirt halfway before slipping a black suit jacket over his sleeves.

"I would never have the stamina for that. I rely on my metabolism to keep me healthy and my body to wake me up." I shrugged, walking back over to the bed and collapsing my body on top of it.

"That is a lot of trust in your body." I heard Harry call out from the closet, his voice slowly got closer until he was in the doorway.

"Gotta give it trust to get it." I stared up at the smooth white ceiling, still smiling at the afterthoughts from last night.

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