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Izuku POV:

"So. What's your answer?" Overhaul glared at me waiting for my answer.

"W-why have power when you can't protect those you want to with it?"

"Is that honestly your answer why you don't wanna be AFO's successor?" This seemed to annoy him a bit.

"If you want the title of the next kingpin of the underworld, then why don't you take it then? I could care less for the title and you seem to want it more than anyone else. Just take my dad's quirk when he needs it passed on or better yet, have him make a copy from that doctor of his."

"Smart boy. Knowing about Garaki's little experiments. Then again, you were always too smart for your own good at times." He started laughing while remembering some of my past attempts to escape. "I still remember that time you tried to escape by memorizing the codes on the pass code doors and stealing the key to your chains after hitting a guard over the head with your cuffs. I have to admit, that was the first time I actually lost my temper with you." My mind went back to that day of him grabbing my neck. I couldn't tell what happened, but Overhaul played a video from a security camera when I regained consciousness to make me know that he could easily pop me like a water balloon if I ever get out of line. "But I'm sure you also know that for me to accept AFO, I need to reinforce my body to do so and become no different than those walking mindless freaks. A normal human can only hold more than one quirk for so long before it destroys their body and AFO is not a quirk just anyone can take."

'He's got a point there.' I remembered what the past users said and what will happen to Uraraka in the near future. "But with that quirk of yours, I'm sure you could easily be the next king of the underworld."

Overhaul raised an eyebrow at this before glaring down at me. "Flattery doesn't get you everywhere kid. Besides, your old man wants you to inherit his legacy. That mantle will be out of reach for me. But..." I could feel his hands start to tense up to indicate he wanted to kill me right then and there. "If you died, that spot would be open. All I'd have to do is end you." He started to calm down a bit after this. "But I'm not here to make a mess. Now tell me, do your 'friends' actually see you as trustworthy?"

"Keep them out of this."

"Of course you already know that they might be taking advantage of you in order to get free power and a free ride to the top with a flashy quirk, right?"

"I said, keep your fucking mouth shut about my friends!" I was angry. I wanted to kill Overhaul right there. The only thing stopping me was his hand barely off my neck and the fact his cronies were watching everyone. If their lives weren't on the line, I wouldn't have let this press on.

"Scary. Tell me, has a woman even looked at you and said they love you?" My mind went to Shiozaki immediately to feel a bit of shame. "You must've kept yourself from feeling happiness. So sad. Even when you wanna forget the nightmares, you can't and leave yourself ashamed of what you should be."

"Is there a point to you probing my life right now?" I was getting tired of the 20 questions for Overhaul to look me in the eyes.

"What I'm trying to get to is this. You could be more. Those that don't trust you, you could make them fall in line so easily. You could have any woman you want. All Might could even kneel to your feet with a well placed plan in that marvelous little skull of yours. But in the end, you still refuse to accept what you can be. You could've easily won the Sports Festival, killed me at the USJ, or even defeat the Hero Killer without the need to bring others into it. Yet in the end, you hold back. You deny yourself what should be your birthright. You were born to be something more than these people, yet you refuse so much of what you can do. Why? Why go the hard route and refuse to let yourself go wild which wouldn't be hard for you?"

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