Ochako's Unease

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Ochako POV:

After the match of Iida and Hatsume was decided with the support course girl stepping out of the ring and making Iida look like a fool, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu had their tiebreaker of an arm wrestling match. I never understood why some guys liked being so macho. A lot of times, it kinda makes me feel like they're try hards trying to make themselves look good for girls. In my eyes, they just look stupid. Kirishima came out on top though with us getting a small break before starting so he could regain some stamina. As this happened, I sat in the waiting room trying to speak to the first holder of OFA again. 'First user, please come back to speak. I need to know more about AFO and why his son isn't like him.' I spoke in my mind trying to clear it for nothing to answer me. I couldn't even get the sound of a cricket in my head. I eventually gave up and walked out when my name was called for the next match. 'Why do these things need to be difficult?' Walking out of the hall, I bumped into Jirou who was leaning on the wall outside my waiting room.

"What are you doing here?" "I came here to ask you a question." "Which is?" She pulled herself off the wall and looked me square in the eye. "Have you ever once actually talked to Midoriya and determined if he is the monster you claim him to be by his own interactions with you or did you just believe what everyone around you said about him?" I held my tongue knowing she was asking something I should've questioned for a while now. "What he did to you was wrong, that isn't up for debate. But that's not the issue here. Unlike you, I've learned of Midoriya with him solely wanting to at least give you back what is yours. But you're too much of a stubborn pain in the ass to accept his help. So let me ask you this, why do you attack him?" "He's the son of a monster, why wouldn't anyone attack him-" I was stopped by Jirou slapping me hard across the face. "IS THAT HONESTLY HOW YOU SEE PEOPLE!? THEIR LINEAGE DETERMINES IF THEY'LL BE GOOD OR BAD!? HOW FUCKING STUPID OF A LOGIC IS THAT?!"

I lost my temper to yell at her back. "AT LEAST IT'S BETTER THAN BLINDLY FOLLOWING SOMEONE AFTER HEARING A SOB STORY! ITS NOT LIKE YOU EVEN KNOW HIM FROM THE PAST!" "I know at least he's trying to make things right at the moment! Unlike you who wants to do nothing but prove he messed up and constantly throw it in his face!" She pushed me back a bit for me to push back. "I'm trying to avoid any issues from him doing the same damn thing again to someone. It's cause of that issue I spent most of my childhood quirkless and also without family!" "MIDORIYA HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT LAST PART AND YOU KNOW IT!" We kept locking horns until Ectoplasm came over. "Enough! Both of you! Uraraka, you're match is right now. Go." I walked away completely agitated to no end. 'Don't you think I already know I screwed up!? I'm not proud of it, but this is where I stand. If I could change things, I would!' I take a sigh out before calming myself. 'Midoriya's not the issue here. Facing and winning against Kirishima is.' I walked out to the crowd of people who were cheering us on.

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE SECOND ROUND OF THE THIRD EVENT! ON MY LEFT, SHE'S THE DAUGHTER OF THE NUMBER 1 PRO HERO! CLASS A'S OCHAKO URARAKA!" Everyone began cheering for me with Kirishima walking in next. "AND ON MY RIGHT, HE'S A HOTBLOODED FIGHTER WITH A HEART YO MATCH! ALSO FROM CLASS A, EJIRO KIRISHIMA!" He began gardening to prepare for whatever I'd throw at him. In retaliation, I started activating Full Cowl. "BEGIN!" Kirishima came at me with a straight punch for me to dodge it and come at his face. In that moment, his face got harder than he normally would get to make my fist feel like it was hitting a cinderblock. "Ah! What the hell did you do!?" "Midoribro trained me to harden specific parts of me more than it normally is when I use my quirk. Still difficult to do, but I can get strong enough to keep your hits from hurting me as much as you." 'Dammit. Now I have to think of how to avoid that.' "OH NO, URARAKA'S IN A JAM! HOW WILL SHE HANDLE THIS!?" I came at Kirishima again for him to harden his face where I was planning to punch him. I got another sting, but Kirishima finally got some injury. "Gah! Cheap shot." He bent over to hold his stomach before continuing my attack. I gave a roundhouse to his side to have the redhead slide near the edge of the ring.

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