Eri's Adjustment

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Ochako POV:

The next day after Eri came, I started waking up to hear tossing and turning in her room. It took me a second to remember why exactly there was a door until I heard Eri speak up. "No...Stop it...No..."

"Eri!" I practically slammed through the door for it to shatter and see Pork Rinds run off to the side. I then notice Midoriya pulling the dream out of Eri again for her to calm down from her dream again. "How the heck did you get here so fast? Also, how'd you know?"

"I put a baby monitor in the room." He pointed towards the side to show the monitor. "As to how I got here so fast, I have a quirk that can help me travel through electronic radio waves." He was about to place the memory in his head before I walked over and grabbed his arm.

"Remember what I said about the dream?"

"You don't want to see what she's seen. It's physically nauseating."

"But you're doing exactly what I'm trying to do."

"Because I'm used to it." I glanced at Midoriya calmly before pointing at my head. "Fine. You'll have to give up a memory temporarily though. Think of a nice memory and I'll pull that one."

"Right." I thought about it a second and realized most of my memories weren't exactly great to give Eri. I kept thinking before the memory of Midoriya and I first meeting came to my head. "Alright. I'm ready."

"Ok." Midoriya pushed his hand into my head with his quirk active to make it feel like he was literally squirming his hand in my brain before a strange fluid sensation came out of the side of my skull. Looking to the side, I saw a blue blob to get this was the memory. "Brace yourself." Right where the memory was yanked from, Midoriya plunged the nightmare in my skull for a weird feeling as if someone put some kind of pudding in my head. This sensation stopped however when a memory of being strapped to a torture chair. My arms and legs were bound as I kept having a scalpel slice into my arms and legs. I started to panic and was about to scream. "Don't scream. If you do, you'll wake up Eri."

I tried to hold it in with the mental images making me want to throw up. I immediately ran towards the small garbage can I had in my room to immediately toss up what I had in my stomach with Midoriya coming towards me. He handed me a paper towel for me to grab it still in shock from what I saw. "Thanks."

"Not a pleasant thing to see, right? Still could've been worse for her."

"How the hell is that not the worst? The kid was straight up tortured and mutilated for no reason that justifies it and doesn't make it seem sick, cruel and unusual."

"She could've been forced to kill people or torture them herself." I immediately remembered some of the things Midoriya went through to pull back my statement.


He let out a sigh before getting up and going towards the door outside. "When Eri wakes up, tell her I'll be working on breakfast for her. Maybe having a nice morning meal will help her. Also make sure she gets her medicine in her. The bottles are labeled which are for morning and night and there should be some apple juice in case she wants to wash away the taste."

'You act like a neritic parent.' I went to the side to see the bottles and find two labeled 'morning' and three labeled 'night' 'Seems straightforward enough to handle.' I grabbed the bottles and began reading the directions. "Take a tablespoon full once a day at least 30 minutes within a meal." I glanced at the night one to see that it was a similar direction but having to be done at night without any solid food in her for at least the same amount of time as the morning.

"Uraraka?" I glanced towards Eri's bed to see her waking up and rubbing her eye.

"Hey, Eri. Did you sleep well?" She nodded as Pork Rinds nuzzled up to her side.

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