The Underground Labyrinth

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Izuku POV:

After being given the call to head out, Tsu and I met up with Hado and began leaving on a bullet train towards the edge of the city of Tatooine. Once there, we changed and made our way towards a group of cops who were keeping the area closed off. We showed our Provisional Licenses and were permitted in and escourted to Ryukyu. "Good to see you all made it."

"I knew my father hid the entrances to his labs in plain sight, but this is a little..."

"That's because the entrance to the lab isn't slightly covered, it's several meters below ground with this being the only entrance down." She moved to see side to show a closed cover.

"Ok, so a dark tunnel?" Hado mentioned with Ryukyu looking a little uneasy.

"There's more than just that. It's an underground labyrinth. Not only that, but it's big. As far as geothermal sensors go, we believe it easily goes several hundred miles each direction."

"You 'believe'?" I asked in curiosity.

"We...we can't exactly tell how far it goes. There's some kind of jamming device being used here. It's keeping us from seeing the entire labyrinth. The deeper we go, the more difficult it is to see. We tried to send a team down but..." A cop came over and showed an arm that was torn off like it was bitten off for all of us to have a chill down our spine. "This is the only thing left of a group of 20 cops and 5 pro heroes. We don't know exactly what is down here due to radio waves also being jammed, but it's safe to say they weren't alone in the tunnels."

"It was attached to a cable we had on the group. Only one had something still attached with the others bit off. This one however was tied almost like whatever did this was telling us what was inside for us to stay away."

"Or investigate farther with more people." I let this comment out for everyone to look at me. "Whatever this thing is, it handled killing 25 people with as far as we know, no problems. Whatever's down there knows how to probably see in the dark and can maneuver the tunnels. Almost like a mole or an ant through it's tunnels."

"So what should we do then? We're basically playing the game with this thing if we go down with more people but we can't exactly tell what's in the lab if we don't go in." Tsu gave a good point with it making us look at it in different ways.

"We can't leave whatever's down here. If we do, I'm not sure if this thing will find a way above ground. Not only that, but any explosives used could destroy the foundation of the land around us where it's too dangerous of a risk to try that." Ryukyu glanced at us before getting an idea. "Midoriya. You're the only one out of the three of you that has to go in in order to open the lab. I'll head in with you so we can avoid a threat of more people than needing to going in. If anything goes wrong though, I want you to leave the tunnel even if I'm still in it, understand?" I nodded at Ryukyu for some cops to give us metal tethers to keep us from getting lost.

The cops gave us something for light as well as opened the hole. "Brace yourselves for the fall. It's kinda deep of a drop" We nodded before using a rope to get down towards the bottom. Once on the ground the cops glanced down at us. "We'll close this up. If anything happens, shout for us."

"Understood. Make sure no civilians get near here." The cop nodded at Ryukyu for her to put her light on before the manhole was covered. "Alright. Let's get moving."

"Right." We started down the tunnel with the lack of sound being uneasy for me. I couldn't hear a sound. Adding to this, the air was really stiff for me to worry we might suffocate. 'This is creepy.'

"MIdoriya." I turned to Ryukyu who continued walking while staring straight. "Why do you want to become a hero? What is your drive?"

"I...I just wanna be a good person is all. My father did a lot of bad stuff for it to fall on me to fix. I think I just wanna do good to fix the bad."

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