Chapter 3

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Back when Valerie was in college in France, "Au revoir Valérie a demain (Bye Valerie, see you tomorrow)" one of my bitch schoolmates said as we parted ways outside the University gate. I smile at her fakely and walk towards my red ducati panigale V4 Sp motorbike.

While fixing my helmet I saw another Ducati mulitstrada V4 S, parked beside mine and It's rare to see another bike like this here because a lot of students studying here were nerds as fuck.

While staring at it a guy grabs his helmet and fixes his motorbike beside me, I also fix mine and ride it, remaining to stare at him, and with that, he glances at me and looks so confused because I didn't avoid his gaze. I smirk at him and get his glasses.

"Hey!" he said when I put his glasses on my shirt and started the accelerator, "Want your specs back? Come and get it" I said and rode fast. And just as I expected he ran after me and we kinda did little chasing things in the road.

Catching the attention of street police and with that seconds after we are both being chased by police. End up in jail for 24 hours. "Hey your glasses," I said and gave his glasses back, he smirked and sarcastically said "Wow thanks" I laughed because of that and we just stayed here for the whole night so I decided to get to know him.

"Valerie," I said and offered him my hands, he looked at me and, "Kento," he said. "Korean?"

"No, Japanese" he corrected so I just nodded and look around this fucking jail, "First time in jail?" I ask him making him look at me and nod, oh a good boy I guess, can't fuck with him. "Absolutely not, it's like my second home" I joked making him laugh, the way he smiled resembled someone I know.

"How about you? You do race?" I ask, by his looks I knew he's something related to racing. "Yes, I do race," he said, "I like racing too, wanna have a real race after this?" I ask.

"Sure," he said and we both smiled. That's where I met the Great Kento Minami.

And we ended up being cool together during college, we did so many races together, bar hopping, and some jail hopping. We are more like partners in crime but this girl came into the picture.

She suddenly changes this exciting guy to a mature one and makes him work to earn a lot of money, at first, I didn't care but I saw her being such a gold digger as fuck, so that time I decided to talk to Kent.

"Do you wanna test this girl? She seems fishy to me," I ask while drinking wine here inside the bar. "She's fine Val, nothing to worry about, oh, I need to go to work see you when I see you," he said and was about to leave.

"My tricky test will do," I said, convincing him to do this test to prove this Rosy bitch. He smiles and says, "I know she's fine Val, I don't need that she won't hurt me," he said like he was so sure about his answer.

"We're not so sure about tha---," he cut me out and removed my hands from his arms, and smiled, "Goodboys know how to choose the right girls for them," he said and walked away.

"The problem is Bad Girls are great at finding good boys to break" I whisper and watch him leave.

After a week Kento came into our house crying because that Rosy bitch broke up with him and brought all his money, also his college fund, he was left with nothing.

And that's when I prove that Bad girls are great at finding good boys to break and creating a monster inside of them. That's when the great Kento Minami's build.

Kento became heartless when it came to girls and became a monster at business. Earning money every second of his life became a rich person on his own.

I witnessed all of it until he moved to Manila for good because he became part of Tito Cadrius' business.


I step out of the vehicle as Kento stands in front of it, smiling like he's so proud of himself. It's the grand opening of our Bar tonight and like I expected I was late because I kinda have business with someone I fuck, oops.

"You never change," he said, pertaining to my always late habits. "Oh my god the Audacity, where did you get it?" I said in a sarcastic way making him chuckle.

"Kento" we stop when someone calls him and as I glance at her, she walks towards us without breaking her stare at my whole body I watch her stand beside Kento and see that she's wearing the same ring that Kento's wears.

So, she's the witch who bewitched the great Kento Minami, wondering what spell she uses for him.

"Hi, Valerie is the name." I greet her and smile at her. "Hi," she said and I asked. "Girlfriend?" I know she's the wife but I wanna ask. "No, actually she's my wife," Kento answered instead.

"Ahmm she's...." I said and looked at her from head to toe, she's not that tall like Kento's taste, she's also simple and looks so young. "Fine, I guess," I said, making her feel intimidated.

She remains staring at me when Kento speaks, "Baby, she's Valerie Delavine, yup, Cadmus and Chantel's cousin. She's from France" He said and smiled at her, wow that smile is so pure. Just like the smiles he gave to that bitch Rosy back then. "She just came here last week, right?" sambit niya at hinarap si Valerie.

I smiled sexily at Kento, teasing his wife, and said, "Yeah you forget, you're the one who picked me up at the airport." His wife's lips parted and looked at him.

Kento just laugh and said, "I forgot hahaha..."

"Let's go inside," Kento said and we walked inside the bar, and because the stock of wine details was already emailed to me, I explained it to him while we were walking inside.

As expected, eyes on me, boy on me, we went upstairs and sat on VIP seats. "I will just go grab some drinks for you both, wait for me," Kento said and left to grab some drinks.

I looked at his wife who looked uncomfortable beside me, so I decided to play a little bit. "You're cute" "You're so sexy," she answered, making me smirk and lean close to her and whisper.

"Yes, I'm sexy, I'm hot, I'm gorgeous and I'm everything you're not," I said and she was left stunned because of that and I just smiled after Kento came back.

"For you" Kento handed me a martini and his wife was watching us so I acted a little bit flirty. "Ohhh so sweet thank you," I said and her wife's expression was priceless.

"Welcome," Kento said, before he sat beside his wife and opened the bottled water for me to drink. "You drink enough, so this is for you, ok," it's weird to see the old him but in a better version.

"You guys are so sweet, can you stop it, "I said and rolled my eyes at them, I just remembered that Rosy bitch face, "We're sorry," Kento teases back so I just make a face at him, and continue drinking.

"That's it, so I will leave everything to you. My wife and I will go home now, so she can rest." after a few minutes Kento said so I nodded and said, "Yes, leave the rest to me," I said and stand too, "Ok, Bye."

I watch them leave together and I can't help but feel sus. "Milana Villarino, bet you need a test," I whisper because I don't Kento ended up like what happened in, "Rosy's era."

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