Chapter 24

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"What happened to your feet?" he asks and seriously stares at me, slowly putting his iPad on the mini table, I look at him from head to toe and get back my arms.

"Ask your sister," I said, rolling my eyes at him and walking towards his room, I instantly lay on the bed and just looked around the place. It has a very different ambiance here in his room rather than in mine.

I mean it's an all-earth-toned theme, so it's so light and very calm that it really doesn't match my personality, But I seem to feel at peace here so, I enjoyed it but my eyes landed on that picture again.

Now it's already back on the folded part again, why does he keep hiding it back? It's a family picture.

I stood up and grabbed the frame, then sat on the bed as I fixed it once again. Maybe this way I can piss him off more.

While opening the frame the door suddenly opened. That's why I was stunned and didn't have the chance to hide what I'm coming from him. "Do you know how to knock?!" I haze at him and roll my eyes; he just nods his head before he walks towards my place while carrying a silver basin and a red pouch.

"Why do you keep touching this thing?" he asks and looks at the frame beside me, then at the picture I'm holding too. My eyes widened when he kneels in front of me and gently hold my feet.

"What's gotten into you? Are you possessed?" I ask with disbelief, what's with the good attitude right now? Why is he acting like a gentleman all of a sudden?

He chuckled and looked at my feet as he removed the band-aid I put on a while ago, "Are you going to die tomorrow, that's why you're being nice to me?" I ask, making him glare at me for a moment.

"Ok you're not going to die, demons don't die easily" I casually said and roll my eyes, "Then think we're going to live a long life" he sarcastically said and push his thumb on my wound, "Fuck!!!" I shouted and hit him with the throw pillow beside me.

"Are you crazy?!?" I said and started to get irritated by what he was doing right now, I know this is all fake.

He chuckled and started cleaning my wound and I just grab my phone the whole time he was doing this fake kindness until I didn't realize that his finish. "Done."

I nodded and said, "I'm not going to say thank you, because it's your sister's fault, pay the damage on behalf of her, buy me that limited edition perfume she broke, and let me go out tomorrow" Nice play Val, in this way I can escape from him.

He nodded and look sorry about his sister's action, that's why I secretly smirk, yes! finally gonna go out tomorro---- ," Sorry, but it's a no. yeah, I will buy that perfume back but let you out tomorrow sorry it's a no DARLIN," he said and tease me with the last word he said, he stood up touch my chin using his finger that I quickly push away because of irritation.

"I hate you!!!" I darkly said and glared at him; I was right he's just so fake.

He smiled and leaned closer, smiling like an innocent angel but a devil inside, "I hate you too" he said and turned his back on me, stepping out of the room.

I grab the pillow and was about to throw it somewhere when he opens the door again, making me stunned he said, "You will take your first test tomorrow, so don't take your drugs tonight" he joked but I fucking hate it. "Ahh!" I shouted and threw the pillow at him, but he quickly closed the door so the pillow hit the door instead.

"Arr!" I hissed and forcefully lay on the bed, cover my face with the pillow and let out all my anger for that jerk. If killing wasn't a crime, it will surely be my hobby and I'll fucking kill him every day.

I sleep with irritation with that guy and wake up so bored and not in the mood to do anything so I stayed in bed even though I already woke up an hour ago. I just went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and go back to bed.

My life is so boring in this place, that's why I just scroll on my phone and flirt with some guys who DM me.

While chatting with guys the door opens and the jerk wearing a white neat round shirt and plain beige pajamas with specs walks in and looks at me. "How long have you been awake?" he asked.

"I don't know, maybe an hour and a half?" I said it casually, making him haze and walk towards the side of the bed, pull the comforter off me, and said, "Prepare, didn't I tell you that we're doing the first drug test today?" he said like a strict father.

I roll my eyes at him and face the other side of the bed, turn my back on him and say, "I'm too bored, I wanna stay here all day" I said it in a lazy tone and kept scrolling on my DM's.

"You need to take the drug test Valencia!!!" he started to sound firm, so I know he was going to get mad, I smirk and say, "If you're too obsessed with that drug test why don't you do it yourself," I said and chuckled.

I heard him groan and suddenly, he grabbed my right ankle and pulled me a bit which made me lay on the bed properly he leaned down, close to my face, and whispered.

"Am I the one who gets accused of taking drugs?" he asked. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not taking drugs!!!" I hissed and glared at him.

"Then prove it," he said like he was challenging me, "Fine let's go!" I said firmly and glared even more.

He smiles then I notice him staring at my lips, so I smirk and whisper, "Wanna kiss those gorgeous lips? Kiss me," I ordered.

He stayed like that for a second before he looked into my eyes and said, "Kiss yourself" he said and stood up. I raise my brows at him and confidently sit and say, "Yeah, if I can only kiss myself, I would do that because I'm so fine and gorgeous" I said.

He chuckled, put his hands in his pocket, and started walking towards the door. "Hanging dito," he said and when he reached the door, he glances at me and say.

"Kapit ka baka liparin ka sa sarili mong hangin" he said and grin.

"And..." he's going to say another one. "Your lips are too dry, why would I like to kiss that?" he said and closed the door, my eyes widened and I quickly ran to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. Instantly put a lot of lip balm on my lips but then I realize.

My lips weren't really dry at all, he just teased me!!! I throw the lip balm so hard and look in the mirror. "That jerk!!"

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