Chapter 15

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I end up cleaning my room with no choice, the whole day I spend it on cleaning. I never experienced this with anyone.

But this lawyer has the guts on making my life miserable, well, he better be careful because I'm walking trouble little does he know.

"Finally!" I said as I fell into the bed and rested my whole aching body, I felt so exhausted, I hated it!!! I just took a quick rest nap, before I stood up and took a shower again.

I stayed in the bathroom for a minute, I soaked my body in the shower until I finally feel refreshed, that's when I stepped out of the bathroom and dressed up again. I wear a black tank top and maroon dolphin shorts.

It's already 3:30 pm and I haven't eaten lunch because I clean my room, so I walk out of my room, drag my feet onto the dining table and look for some cooked food.

But I don't find any, so I look at this guy sitting on his couch again, "Where's my lunch?!" I ask, he glances at me, takes off his specs, and grin.

"My rules, cook your own food, I'm not serving you" my lips parted with disbelief, and walked towards him, standing straight in front of him.

"You are such a nice guy, I can't wait to tell all of this to my dear cousin Cadmus," I said with a sweet but deadly smile as he stared at me, he smiles and said, "I can't wait to tell him to what you plan to do last night, it's so exciting," he said in a sarcastic way before he put back his specs and ignore me.

"I will also tell him that you're not making me eat," I said sweetly but fakery. He grinned and, "I far as I know I'm not stopping you from eating, but you have to cook your own food because I'm not your servant," he said standing up and walking towards his office.

So this is how he plays it! "Fine, I'm not going to eat na lang! I can play your games well Attorney!!!" I shouted in front of his door as he closed it. I went back to my room and just scrolled on my phone until I saw an online business that delivered food that I usually eat for lunch.

I quickly stood up, ran to the kitchen telephone, and dialed its business contact number. If he wants me to cook but I don't want to, I can just order my food, easy!

After a few rings, they finally answered it, "Hello good evening this is FiccoRazzo meal delivery speaking," I smirk, "Hello sweetie, I would like to order----" "Nothing," my eyes widened when this Jeck also spoke on the line.

Then I suddenly realized that the telephone was connected to his office telephone, "She's ordering nothing because she will cook food on her own," he said and turned off the call.

I slowly put the telephone back where it belonged and walked back to my room, since his office door is in front of my room, he opened the door and leaned on it with an irritating smile.

"I taught you're not going to eat?" he asked, teasing me with those stares and controlled chuckles.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Stop laughing I might kill you," I threatened and he quickly raised both of his brows. "Article 2----," I cut him, "Shut up!! The hell I call for your laws!" and with that, I close the door of my room and lock myself there until I fall asleep.

I thought I could just sleep on my hunger but I was wrong. That wakes me up in the middle of the night and my stomach won't stop making sounds.

"Hmmm," I groan and slowly sit on my bed, grab my phone, wear my slippers and go outside through the kitchen exactly. The lights outside are already off so I assumed that he was sleeping already.

I slowly walk through the kitchen and open the fridge, checking some food I can cook. I don't care anymore if I'm not good at cooking, what's important here is that I will eat after this.

I check every part of the fridge and just find some food that is hard to cook like shrimp, fish, chicken, and pork. Even single ramen I can't find any.

I'm fucking hungry at this moment, I need to eat, then I stop when I saw an easy-to-cook small bake-mac pack on the bottom part of the fridge, I quickly heat up some water and start boiling the baked mac.

I waited for a minute, scrolling on my phone while waiting, but I enjoyed scrolling so I overcooked its pasta, but I don't care anymore I need to, and I want to eat.

I mix it with its sauce then sit on the standing chair here at the breakfast table, I start eating it. I know it tastes bad but this is the only food I can cook at this moment. I hate that Lawyer he acted nice to everyone but his devil when it comes to me.

Does he think he's playing with fire because I'm more evil than him?

I check my phone contact and dial Cadmus number so I can tell him everything his two-faced friend is doing to me, maybe he will let me stay back in my suite.

I waited for a few rings before he answered, "Hello?" he was sleeping, based on his voice it seems like my call woke him up.

"Hello my dear cousin, how are you?" I cheerfully said and smirked, "What now Valencia? I'm sleeping" he hazed from the other line.

"I just wanna discuss with you some of my concerns about living here" I heard him sigh from the other line and sounded like he was starting to get pissed off by what I just said.

"Can we talk about that tomorrow? Please just let me have a good sleep Valencia," He begged, but I need to get out of here, I can stand this lawyer around me.

"No, we need to talk about this now because it's so importa----," I stopped when I heard that Cadmus ended the call and when I tried to dial it again his out of coverage already, which means he turned off his phone because of me.

I hate him! This is an important thing!! I can't stand another day in this place. It's so little the space is little, and the ambiance is so light for me, also the people around here are jerks! Total jerk!!

I resumed eating this overcooked bake-mac of mine when. "I know you would eat," I quickly hid my food behind my back when this jerk showed up and walked through the kitchen, standing in front of me while smiling.

That fake two-face smile!!! A hiding demon! "What are you looking at? Are you happy making me starve!!!" I said and rolled my eyes at him.

He chuckled and remained to stare at me so I raised my brows at him and asked, "What do you want!?"

"I'll cook for you."

Corporate Bonds (Law of Attraction Series # 6)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon