Chapter 41

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"Well, there is no room for you here, get out!!!" My eyes widened when Levi seriously said that and walked toward the door, purposely hit Luxe using his shoulder, and went inside.

He grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me inside when I saw Luxe smirk and walk inside the pad without permission. Levi stops, watches him walk inside, and sits on the couch.

Levi tightened his grip on my wrist and I saw him clench his jaw before he closed the door and we followed Luxe inside. "I guess you were not a polite student back then," Levi said and we both sat on the other couch in front of Luxe. I just remain silent when the ambiance here inside the house suddenly darkens.

"How do you know that Attorney? wow, you must be a Psychic?" Luxe teasingly said and smirked at us, "Ugaling basura kasi," I looked at him when he whispered that while staring at Luxe. Did he just say rude words?

Woah, I can't believe this guy can turn like this. I just continue watching them. Luxe is teasing him with his smirk while he roams his eyes around the place and compliments its interior.

"I like you're pad Attorney, it's calmin----," he was cut off when Levi spoke, "But my pad doesn't like you" I purse my lips because of that and control my laugh when I saw how epic Luxe's reaction with that. So, Savage Levi, I like it.

They stare furiously at each other and no one dares to cut it so, I did. I stood up and said, "Who wants to eat pasta?" I ask and smile, they both look at me and...

"Me," Luxe.

"Me," Levi.

Sabay nilang sabi bago siyala tumayo at, "Tulungan na kita," Levi, "Let me help you," Luxe.

They speak at the same time; I can't help but to smile and shake my head slowly. "Ok," I said, turning my back on them and watching them secretly pushing each other as we walked inside the kitchen.

I lick my lower lips, as I control myself and focus on what I'm cooking but while getting the ingredients at the pantry, these two keep pushing each other and suddenly hip my back, the reason why my hand hit the wall a bit hard.

"Fuck!" I grunted in pain, and they quickly attended to me, Luxe grabbed my left arm while Levi grabbed my waist.

"Let go of her!" Levi said, "Why would I?" Luxe said.

"Let go!" Levi, "No!" Luxe.

"I said let go of her or else!" Levi, "Or else what?" Luxe. I rolled my eyes and pushed them away from me.

"Or else, I'll kill both of you! Look what you did to my hands! Who's gonna cook now!?" I haze and walk away from them and wash my hands with cold water.

"Me." "Me." again they speak at the same time, I roll my eyes and look at Luxe, "You know how to cook?" I never saw him cook, that's why I ask.

"Yes, watch and learn baby," He said and winked at me, Levi just haze at him before the two of them started cooking, I just watch them cook, but the reality is that I've watched a 20% of the cooking and 80% of fighting, glaring and pissing off each other thing.

Until they both finish and serve their food in front of me here at the dining table.

"Try my Coq Au Vin (a French delicacy)" Luxe said and put some on my plate, but Levi pushed that plate and put what he cooked in front of me instead.

"Adobo," He said and sat beside me, give me a spoon and a fork. Luxe glared at him before we started eating and they put a lot of what they cooked on my plate non-stop.

"Here Baby" Luxe put another set of that chicken dish, "Gusto mo pa?" Levi asks but he already put some on my plate.

I take a deep breath before, "STOP!!!!" they both look at me when I shouted and look at them, "Can't you fucking see, I've already finished three plates because of your non-stop offers!!! I'M FULL AND I'M DONE EATING!!!" I stood up and walked out, went straight to my room, and rested for a bit.

I'll let them kill each other outside, I Suddenly smile seeing how that jerk reacts when Luxe is around.

I just sat here for a while inside my room when my phone rang, I quickly answered it when I saw Hermainia calls. "Yes, what is it?" I ask as I answer the call.

"Good day Ma'am Valerie, I would like to inform you that we just finished editing the pictures from the shoot yesterday, would you like me to send the copies to your email ma'am?" she said from the other line, I nodded and say, "Ok, send it to me."

"Ok ma'am," she said and I turned off the call before I grabbed my laptop and opened it, to check the photos.

I just waited a few seconds and I received an email from her. As I opened the file, I instantly saw the pictures taken yesterday.

I don't know but as I scroll all over the pictures, I urge a genuine smile. I feel so proud of Levi's dad, he's right, his Dad is great.

Years I stayed in the modeling industry, this is the first time I saw this kind of photo and shot of me. I look so bright yet sexy in these photos. The angle and the lights were so right, it looked like it was taken by a great professional photographer.

"You just exceeded my expectations, tito," I whisper before I choose this one photo of me smiling so genuinely and calling Hermainia. "Yes ma'am," she said as soon as she answered the call.

"Put this photo on a billboard and highlight the name of the photographer at the side, I want it very visible to all the people who will see it," I said and turned off the call before she could answer back.

I smile, and excitedly stand up to show this to Levi. As I step out of my room and walk toward the living room I stop when I see them talking on the couch so seriously, while drinking a glass of wine.

This is not what I expected, akala ko paglabas ko ay may isang bali na ang kamay.

"I've known Valerie for almost half of my life, we did troubles together, we survived jails together," Luxe said, so I hid here at the side of the wall and listened to what they were talking about.

"I didn't ask," Levi seriously said and took a sip of his drink.

Luxe smirked and look at him, "You like her" he said.

I stopped and waited for Levi's gonna say, "No," Levi answered so fast and looked at Luxe. "You like her?" he asked him instead.

"Heck yeah, I mean who the fuck won't like a Valeri Delavine?" Luxe said, I smirk because of that, I know right Luxe, who won't be?

"Me," Levi answered. 

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