Chapter 101

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The next morning I made a big breakfast for everyone. 

I was just flipping the last pancake when Bekah came walking in holding a glass of Bourbon.

I raised an eyebrow making her roll her eyes "what? Bourbon is a good choice given what's going to happen" Bekah said sarcastically before grabbing a plate.

I just shook my head and grabbed a plate of food as well before whistling.

"Breakfast is ready" I said loudly into the house.

Surprisingly it was Tyler that came running around the corner and jumped at the food.

I just shook my head as all the guys came down and wrestled for food.

There was plenty to go around, they were just heathens.


Later on, I called Jeremy and warned him that Elena had her memories back.

I was just waiting for her to pull something.

She still thought she had the element of surprise so she would probably try and make some kind of plan.

Bonnie was going to go over and test the waters.

She was the only one who made any effort anymore so it wouldn't look strange if she went over to try and visit.


Bonnie walked into the house hesitantly.

At least she knew Elena was only human and wouldn't really be able to hurt her if anything happened.

Jenna let her in the house with a large smile on her face.

Jenna let her in the house with a large smile on her face

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She and Ric really hit it off and were going strong.

Ally had told the girls that Jenna had originally died during the ritual.

They couldn't imagine their lives without her in them.

She was practically everyone's fun aunt.

She may not be the most responsible adult figure but at least she cared and the kids of this town flocked to her for it.

Bonnie spent a few minutes just talking with Jenna about life before she heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Bonnie gave a hesitant smile to Elena when she walked into the room.


Bon Bon called me after she left Elena's.

Apparently, the doppelslut was going to try and act like she still didn't remember.

I would be an idiot to assume she wasn't wearing Vervain now.

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