No. 16

563 11 3

//Riptide Campaign..!

So I uh- bare with me,,
I'm ND..! so this is coming from someone who has personally experienced overstimulation and getting overwhelmed- it's different for everyone!
I was thinking about that but for Gill since he's not used to so many colours or sights and sounds? So maybe he gets overwhelmed while the crew have docked in a town for the time being?
(no, of course i am not projecting. Why- ha- wh,,noooo you're crazy! whaaaat? nooooo ;') )
So more angst but more comfort? maybe can be seen as poly pirates? idk man ;-;; there's some lil kisses but more so for like,, comfort? but i mean i love poly pirates so- if you see it as that then i am very okay with it ! :D this was kinda rushed? kinda not idk- just a drabble to get an idea across yk?
TW// Overstimulation mention and description/Panic attack.

"How did you lose a blue fish guy, Chip?! He practically follows you everywhere!" Jay rolled her eyes, looking around through the marketplace for Gillion. She had left Gillion and Chip alone together for five minutes. Five. Minutes. And suddenly Chip was on his own, spinning more or less on the spot looking for the triton.
"Well that's what I assumed too! What, you want me to hold his hand?! I thought he was right behind me, Jay! Then I-I turn after getting some food and he's gone!" Chip was lagging behind Jay, looking around and more so within the crowds. He caught back up, walking next to her as they both made their way through the crowds. They stopped for a minute or two, the both of them keeping clear of the busy cluster of people and staying near one side. Jay let out a frustrated sigh, massaging her temples as she looked at Chip, opening her eyes and seeing Chip's confused expression, still making a small effort to look around in hopes of catching a glimpse of Gill. After Jay took a second to regain her composure, she spoke up.
"Okay, okay it's fine. I have a plan-"
"Well first of all that's my line so-"
"I just don't think that's important, Chip." Jay rolled her eyes at Chip's interruption, raising an unimpressed brow at the other, Chip nodding silently, gesturing for her to continue. "Thank you. Now- like I was saying; I have a plan. We know Gill, he'd probably stay close to where you two were, right? Probably getting distracted and then looking for you again- so where were you last with Gillion?" Chip thought for a second, trying to remember the last time he looked behind him and saw Gillion. He had to be honest, he hadn't looked back to ensure the triton was following all that much, he just assumed he was always there.
"Uh-...well, I'd be a while ago, but I guess when I was selling some of those stones and rocks we found the other week? They went for a lot of gold. I remember Gill asking if I was sure that I wanted to sell them and how pretty they were?" Chip gave a small shrug, giving a sheepish smile at Jay as she glared at him.
"I...Okay. It's something at least, c'mon. We need to find him soon." Chip nodded, leading Jay to the stand where he last remembered being with Gillion.

Gillion wasn't sure when or he had lost sight of Chip, but he definitely wasn't enjoying his time on his own. At first he was okay with it, he was having fun looking around at all of the things that people were selling. He had found one stand that dedicated it's goods to various jewellery made from shells and other sea themed trinkets..! It reminded him a lot of home, so he took a bit longer than he had at other stalls looking at the different crafts. He then went to show Chip a particular necklace and found he was nowhere to be seen. Gillion placed the necklace back carefully and gave a kind smile to the older lady who was selling them. He then wandered to try and find his friend. That was a while ago. Since then, the triton had been trying to make his way through the crowd he was in, hoping to find some kind of open space where there were less people. Unfortunately for Gillion, it was a very busy day. People were pushing up against him, pushing him back a couple steps and then forwards a few more. He made a mental note to avoid largely populated spaces for the future, since he had started to feel very claustrophobic. He wasn't at all used to packed spaces, being from the undersea, he had a lot of open areas to swim freely in. The difference of how much space he had to move around in reminded him how much he really did miss home, making his experience seem one hundred times worse. Finally after another two minutes or so trying to make his way out of the bustling crowd, Gillion saw an opening in the wall, an empty alleyway. He made a run for it, stumbling into the alley and leaning against the wall, letting out a shaky breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding until now.

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