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//Riptide lmao like I'm writing about another campaign-


uh,,Gill is teaching Chip what he had learnt back home in terms of training since they both use swords and stuff and gets freaked out?
idk man-
a n g s t  tho but most definitely comfort :D also Chip and Jay sibling dynamic? I live for it- ;')
also fish and chips because  t h e y,,,
TW//  panic attack? It resembles what some panic attacks feel like if that makes sense? , intrusive thoughts (tell me if there are any others!!)
Gillion was excited. Granted he was usually excited about something but today he was much more excited than his usual constant excited nature. Yesterday, Gillion had been thinking about his home, of course he was missing it and Chip seemed to have realised how much since he had offered to learn whatever Gillion wanted to teach him! This was very big. Was it clear he was excited? Because he was. Chip wasn't someone who would willingly offer himself as a volunteer to Gillion's theatrics unless it had some kind of reward for him. However, he wasn't going to question it. He had brainstormed what he could be able to teach Chip about from the undersea, despite him having offered, Gillion still didn't want it to be boring for his friend, so he tried to narrow his fairly large brainstorm to 'Chip-ish topics'. Gillion's immediate thought before having a narrowed down list was of course the scenery and the different vegetation that grew in the undersea, the corals, the different stones and rocks he'd find with his sister, Eden, as a younger child. He figured that if he used large words to exaggerate the intensity of his small adventures with his sister to find these rocks and trinkets, the pirate would be very interested. So this was definitely still on the table.

Now Gillion was sitting on a barrel on the top deck, his leg bouncing excitedly (he was very excited) as he waited for Chip. The triton had finally settled on what to teach him, which would hopefully be quite engaging! Fighting. Chip loved fighting! It was the main things the trio did on their adventures! Gillion also very much enjoyed fighting and battle, the thrill of the danger being face to face with the enemy as you use the strategies the elders had taught you as a child to outsmart your opponent and win. Everyone had that experience, he figured, though his training was much more...well, serious. But since Chip was good at fighting, of course as well as Jay, but he did not know much about ranged weapons, Gillion assumed he had undergone some training from an elder from the oversea!

"Gill? You uh- alive?" Gillion was brought back from his thoughts when he felt Chip lightly push his shoulder, causing him to look up and smile brightly at Chip.
"Chip! Yes, yes I am alive. I apologise, I was lost in thought. Are you ready to learn, Chip?!" As he spoke, Gillion stood up quickly, a large grin on his face. Chip slowly cocked one eyebrow, both curious and slightly hesitant to really go through with this.
"Uh..I mean, I guess? Look man, as long as it's not any weird triton tradition-"
"No! No, nothing of the sort. I lack far too much knowledge in that specific area, dear Chip! I have settled on something we both enjoy, I hope..! I have noticed how you fight whenever we are in battle side to side, and though I am unfamiliar with the customs of the oversea, surely you must have had an elder train you and help you to learn the attacks and movements! So, as one who has also had training from elders, I figured it'd only be fitting for us to train together! I can teach you some things I have learned from the undersea, and you can teach me what you have learned from your elders..!" Gillion's eyes were shining as he explained his thought process behind his final decision. The eagerness being clear as day. Chip just stood for a few seconds in silence as Gillion basically vibrated with enthusiasm.

Elder..? Chip wasn't trained by an old dude- well, he kind of was, but most of the movements he used when fighting were crafted by his own experience on being on the seas for so long...Nobody really taught him. Arlin probably would've taught him but...well. He couldn't right now. Chip quickly shook his head, disliking where his thoughts were headed as he shoved a hand into his pocket and held the coin from Arlin, still looking at Gillion. He was so happy...could Chip really say no? Well, he very much could, and he has, plenty of times. But it was clear that he had put a lot of thought behind his decision, despite his information being skewed. Though Chip had been quiet for around a minute or two now, Gillion hadn't stopped practically glowing with nothing more than genuine joy.
"Yeah, yeah okay. We can do that. Though I gotta warn you, Gill. My elders taught me a whole bunch." Chip ignored the twisted feeling in his gut at the white lie. He had promised Gillion he wouldn't lie, no matter what it was...But he was so happy and so confident. Chip couldn't take that away, what if Gillion believing the customs were the same on land for training as the sea was a huge thing for him?! It seemed like it! Especially since the second Chip agreed, and even more so as he bragged about his nonexistent elder's teachings, Gillion's grin grew even more, nodding and bringing the pirate over to the middle of the top deck, having already cleared out some more space for the two.

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