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//Riptide Campaign >:)

This is a request!! so ty Swordsinger- :DD

Hopefully it's okay- ^^;;

The idea of this is basically where during the last moments of the battle between the crew and the mimic ship, Gill gets dragged down by a rope and is too far to the point of Chip or Jay going down to save him-

Am I making this fnc? m a y be- yes. I feel like I haven't written stuff with fnc and Gill angst in years-

also I make mentions of some aquatic creatures that look horrifying that are found in d&d- I have no clue if they'd be found near where Gillion grew up, but I remember vague mentions of dangers outside of The Trench? So I'm making shit up lmao- forgive me if they wouldn't be found where I'm saying they would! ^^;

If I ever spend another hour searching riptide thumbnails to figure out where tf this fish guy puts his dumb pointy sword I'm going to go insane and I'm leaving the fandom /j

TW// mentions injuries and blood, mention of drowning (no drowning takes place-!),

(If there are any more please let me know!! Be safe!)


Everything happened fast. There was a small silence in the air between the pirates and their new crewmate Ichabod, this silence threatened on celebratory uproar at their victory in killing this... ship? Mimic? Whatever it was, it was retreating into the depths of the sea. Maybe it'd find that weird creepy ship graveyard the Riptide Pirates had come across a while ago?

As the mimic ship lowered into the sea, Gillion looked on to see and check on all of his friends. Jay was now swimming toward the Albatross, though she was visibly exhausted. Gillion felt himself violently fight against his instinct to jump into the water and help swim Jay to their ship. His injuries would only slow both himself and Jay down, and he didn't particularly want to burden her that way. Chip was in the water, along with Ichabod. They had recovered a chest and were swimming it slowly to the ship. It had been tied with some rope to make it easier, and Chip was using the chest for its floating properties.

The sight that everyone had been okay and safe, as much as they could be after such a fight, was a relief to the triton.

"Gill-! C'mon, what're you waiting for, an invitation? Let's go!" Chip had taken notice of Gillion standing still on the now water-covered deck of this 'ship'. The voice of his co-captain tearing him away from his thoughts, Gillion made a move to jump up onto the more or less wholly shattered railings. Before he could reach the railings, Gillion felt a tug on his ankle, hissing at the feeling of having bruises pretty much scattered all over his body from the fight before. Looking down, he saw the rope of the mimic ship wrapped tightly around his ankle. It seemed upon realising this, the mimic ship knew of the triton's acknowledgement as it started to sink considerably faster, the rope only tightening.

Adrenaline rushed through him as he went to grab his sword, but the action to do so alone sent a searing course of pain through his body, making him groan as he fell to his knees. This seemed to prompt the mimic to move faster in its attempt to go deeper into the sea, the entirety of the ship being submerged successfully in record time. Gillion wasn't able to catch a second of recovery for his aching body to fight against this.

Chip had been through a lot in the fight. Being eaten by a scary chest wasn't exactly a highlight of his day. Pirate or not, he didn't care for gold that much, y'know? Once he had Ichabod triple-check a chest being a normal godsdamned chest, he secured it to some rope and had been using it to help him swim. Upon realising he literally had a fish guy that would be a lot more efficient at this, Chip turned to see where he had gone, looking and seeing Gillion checking on everyone from his position still aboard the ship, eyes meeting with Chip's after a few glances to where Chip remembered Jay being. Chip assumed that he was checking that everyone was okay, something he had caught that the triton does a lot after a fight. The sentiment warmed him, but he wouldn't show that. That'd be stupid.

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