No. 62

186 3 6

//Riptide !!

More request oneshots!! :D

This req is from hercega !! So tysm for the request I hope it's okay- and I'm sorry it's taken so long and that it's short-ish ;-;;

Ollie :D <3 Basically just him bein a cutie and calling Chip dad by accident- Wholesome chaos ensues :D

I enjoy the idea of Ollie calling his mum and dad 'mama' and 'pa', I can't remember if this is a thing he refers to them as or if I'm making shit up- but either way it's cute :DD

A smidge of angst (more like a little sad moment for like 0.2 seconds pfft)  but it's literally just there to make this a little longer-



Chip wasn't exactly sure how he had gotten to this point.

Well, he could assume that it started with him and Ollie talking, which was relatively normal for the two. Inevitably, Chip gets carried away with his anecdotes, exaggerating fights, stretching out the travelling days and so on. But who could blame the guy? Whenever Chip did this, Ollie's eyes seemed to widen to an impossible extent, shining brighter with each tall tale.

So yeah, nobody was gonna blame him. Besides! He promised that he wouldn't lie to Gillion! This was totally different!

In the middle of one of his stories, more specifically a story he remembered Arlin telling him, Ollie jumped up from where he was sitting. Chip had set up a small area near the back of the deck with two barrels for the both of them to sit. As Chip watched the small half-elf jump up, he slowly lowered his hands, which were raised as he went into the more exciting parts of the tale.

"Chip! I wanna know more about being a pirate! That way I can be like you! A-And the others!" Ollie's addition of 'and the others' was clearly an afterthought, Chip could tell by the stumbling and rushed way that he said it. But he didn't think too much of it.

"Whaddya mean 'know more about bein' a pirate'? Kid, you're part of the crew! That's as pirate as you get-" Chip joined Ollie as he stood, stretching lazily. In truth, he knew exactly what Ollie meant. And sure, he was happy that Ollie was so enthusiastic! But Chip wasn't the best at... the whole pirate thing. Which didn't make him a bad captain! It just meant that...

Chip wasn't great at leading. He was quick to resort to fight or flight, a lot of the time, flight would win. Chip knew better about how to escape and get out of situations rather than fight his way through them. He grew up on the streets before being taken in by Arlin and the Black Rose Pirates, survival was based on how quick he was with his feet. And, of course, that affected his fighting style and-


Ollie's voice cut through his thoughts, looking down to see an extremely impatient boy.

"C'mon, please! I'm ready to be a real pirate! Like you guys! I wanna fight bad guys like Gillion and- and do the sailing stuff! And tell us where to go, like Miss Jay! And make up cool plans like you! I can help!"

"Woah, woah woah- okay, slow down buddy. Look, I-"

"Pleaseeee? I promise I'll listen! I'm great at listening! Please, Chip! I wanna be like you in those stories!" Ollie's voice grew higher with each plea he gave, grabbing Chip's shirt and tugging on it weakly. Chip's exhale was long and heavy.

There was no way he'd be so quick to give in to this kid. Some serious rules and safety boundaries had to be set! Besides, he had promised Jay and Gill he'd make taking Ollie home be a top priority among the others and-

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