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//Riptide Campaign

Soft boys because I said so. >:)

*Spoilers for episode #42 of Riptide!!*

So I really like the fact that Gill coming onto the Crescent Moon to help Rudith heal the sick or just look after them? And I'm honestly really happy we got to see a bit more of that-

So this is basically that scene but softer with some more soft things because I am stressed :')

I'm not too happy with some of it,,? But I've also been writing this over the course of two days and I've been nit picking it myself so,,,I'm posting it before I get a chance to change it again njhdjedjk

TW// none that I can think of? (if there are any please tell me :)) )


Gillion fought back a large yawn as he stayed sat next to the third person he was tending to for the morning. He had woken up pretty early only to then soon make his way across to the Crescent Moon and tend to the sick. He had been doing this practically since the day the sick and wounded were taken aboard the ship after the sudden attack from the Navy, so he didn't see a reason to stop any time soon, especially with hearing talk of heading towards the closest port in hopes to drop everyone off to those better equipped with dealing with this many people who all needed the attention. Gillion could be as optimistic as he wanted, but there was no ignoring that two people caring for thirty-plus sick was inpracticle, to put it kindly. Especially with how a lot of the care that both Rudith and Gillion provided for these people was not explicitly just healing or changing over dressings of any wounds.

As of right now, Gillion found himself sitting beside a half-elf man with his hair falling just below his shoulder blades, tangles and knots becoming obstacles for Gillion as he continued to brush his tangled hair as gently as he was able to. Gillion found that it helped the people he was tending after to just either make small conversation or talk about something as he worked, this fighting off the sounds of wheezy coughs or pained groans of discomfort as some people tried to sleep, whilst others laid in their beds trying their best to battle through their ailments. Rudith made his rounds, passing by Gillion and stopping when he noticed the triton fighting against yet another yawn. "Gillion, if you are tired or not feeling too great, you don't have to be here...You should get res if you need it-"

"Don't be ridiculous, Rudith..! I am fine. I'm very much used to being up and having an early start, this is no different..!" Gillion's usually loud and booming voice was uncharacteristically softer, his brushes through the half-elf's hair only stopping for a second as Gillion looked over his shoulder to meet eyes with a still unconvinced Rudith, returning to what he was doing when he saw the tall man sigh in defeat.

"If you are sure, Gillion. But if at any point you need to leave earlier than usual to get some more rest, then please do. Sure you are not in any means suffering with sickness like these people, but I still worry for your health as well..." With this, Rudith made his way past Gillion, heading over quite hurriedly over to the sounds of a sudden nasty cough. 

Chip groaned as he lazily got out of his bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he groggily made his way to the top deck, cursing as the sun attacked his eyes. He made his way over to Jay, who was hunched over a barrel drawing...something. 

"Hey, Ferin! What'cha doing?" As Chip stood behind Jay, he peered over her shoulder to see her drawing out a rough idea of what the three saw of Lizzie's map on her ship. "Why're you drawing a map? We've got Lizzie's-"

"Yeah well, she doesn't like me much, Chip. Maybe if we shared a hotdog that'd change magically-" Jay rolled her eyes sarcastically at Chip, raising a brow. "Besides, it'd help if we had our own anyway, for when we won't have her's." 

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