9. Petrified

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"Oh not you!" Harry groaned.

"Doesn't know what he's saying, don't worry Harry I'll fix you right up!" Lockhart exclaimed

"NO! I'll just leave it like this, thanks..."

Olivia stood next to Wood, everyone looked at her when they heard the familiar clicking sound of a camera. But it was Colin Creevey, instead that was snapping photo after photo.

"Colin I don't want a photo of this" Harry said loudly

"Colin knock it off, he's injured!" Olivia told the boy who she regularly seen developing film in the studio.

"Lie back Harry it's a simple charm I've done it countless times-" Lockhart said

"Why can't I just got to the hospital wing?" Harry asked

"He really should Professor," said Wood who was trying not to smile too hard considering they won, even though his seeker was injured. "Great capture Harry, one of your best yet-"

"Wood, I'm sure you can give him praise later, come on Harry I'll take you to the hospital wing." Olivia told the boy.

But Harry was looking passed her, to where Fred and George was wrestling the Bludger into a box. It was still putting up a fight. Olivia directed her attention to where the boy was looking, and before she could do anything she heard Lockhart say,

"Stand back," rolling up his sleeves

"No- don't-" Harry protested but a Lockhart had already casted a charm.

Harry's arm was a noodle. Like a deflated balloon it laid limp next to his body.

"Ah yes that can happen sometimes but the bones aren't broken anymore and that is the point. Harry you can just toddle up the the hospital wing- Mr Weasley and Miss Granger would you escort him? To Madam Pomfrey, she'll tidy that up a bit." Lockhart tried to say in a confident voice.

Olivia was enraged by the stupidity of this man

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Olivia was enraged by the stupidity of this man. After Fred and George wrestled the Bludger they had to haul Olivia from the field. Lockhart walked away whistling like he had done nothing.

Olivia was Hanging from George's shoulder, while he carried her in the other direction. "And he's suppose to be our teacher! What a joke! Ha! Oh I will be telling Snape about this!" Olivia huffed and puffed.

"Ollie calm down, Harry will be fine, Madam Pomfrey will fix him up." Fred told the girl.

Calming down some, "Yeah you're right. I just wish we could get a DADA teacher that actually knew what they are doing." She told her friends, George sat her down on her feet.

"Yeah but we can't have you ending up in detention." George told her

She looped her arms through the twins', and they started walking.

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