17. Bring The Lion Out

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Olivia was putting the finishing touches on the layout and design of the yearbook. Soon she's turn it in and they would send it off to get copies printed for the rest of the school. She had spent many nights in the dark room and studio. She poured countless hours into her project. With the help from her amazing support team, they kept her from drowning herself in work.

George would bring her tea and make her take a break from working and walk around the corridor to get her out of the studio. Fred would rub her shoulders when she had spent too long bent over her negatives. Lupin would stop by to check the progress and to check on Olivia to make sure she wasn't stressing herself.

Sometimes after dinner she'd take a few page layout designs with her to the common room, where she would get Cedric and Jo's opinion on what looked better, while lounging on a couch together.

She couldn't ask for better people in her life.

So, with the final product in her hands. She made her way to Dumbledores office with Professor Lupin. Olivia kept taking deep breaths and tried her best to stop fidgeting.

Outside the office, "Remember be confident. You done all the work, and you've done you're very best. And it has come out great. But this was about not what others think, but what you think about your own ability." Lupin said.

"You're right. I'm proud of myself, and I love how it all turned out. But I just can't help to feel a little nervous that the whole school is gonna be holding my work in their hands." Olivia sighed

"It's okay to be nervous, as long as it doesn't effect how you think of yourself." Assured Lupin, with a smile. Olivia gave him a nod and the two entered the office.

Inside stood Dumbledore and Snape. While Dumbledore greeted Olivia with a smile, Snape greeted Lupin with a glare.

"Hello sir, I came to give you the finish yearbook, for it to be sent out for printing." said Olivia trying to hide the shaking of her hand when she handed the book to him.

"I will get this sent out right away, Ollie." Said Dumbledore flipping through the book, "I have to say, this came out even better than what I imagined, Severus would you like a look?"

Snape took the book reluctantly, and fingered through the pages. His eye caught on one photo, that was collaged with others. It was the same picture she had given him for Christmas a few years ago. Without drawing too much attention to it, he closed the book and gave it back to the old wizard.

"I must say Ollie, it has been a privilege to see you grow with this project. And I think when I say this I speak for all three of us, we are incredibly proud of you." Dumbledore said and Olivia could have sworn that the twinkle in his eyes sparked.

"I couldn't have done it without any of you. Thank you, for everything. For this opportunity." She smiled at the men. "Now if you don't mind me, I believe I've got some homework calling my name, have a good evening." She said, and left the office.

"Remus, you're quite the inspirational teacher." Complimented Dumbledore, Snape groaned under his breath.

"I can't take the credit, she is the extraordinary one." He said looking at the door the girl had just left through. "But while you both are here, I have some questions that I've had for a while now but it's been hard to ignore." Remus said kindly."If you don't mind me asking, is she... is Olivia related to the Potters?"

"That is not for you to know," said Snape immediately

"Now Severus, we can trust Remus, I think it's best for him to know." Dumbledore said taking the seat behind his desk, and gestured for the men to sit down before him.

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