Billie O'Connell: The Girl From Dance Class (B.E.)

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(Young Billie. Natural hair Billie. Basically pre-fame Billie)

Ik she injured her hip when she was 13–shhh

I'm gonna make 14 year old you super cringe

Y/N (14y/o)

Billie O'Connell. A girl in my dance class.

Every week in dance class she catches my eye. Her blonde, long hair. Her bright blue eyes. Her cute misaligned teeth. They're like cute mini fangs. Oh, wait...did I just violate her?

I love her personality too. I don't really speak to her. But, from what I've been told and from what I've experienced, she's sweet. Super kind, extremely beautiful, acts gay and is funny. Well, she acts gay. She's straight. I don't know her age but she must be 14-15 years old because our dance class is the same age group.

Maybe my gaydar is broken because I get gay vibes from her.

She's claimed to be straight multiple times, staring at some of the boys who also do dance classes here. But we don't dance with them because this is an all-girls group.

Billie has got a nice ass. There. I said it. Well, wrote it. Sometimes I like to think about how funny it would be if someone went through my journal. They'd be weirded out. They'd probably think I'm crazy.

I always try my hardest to catch her attention and I just feel like I never do. It feels pointless liking her and spending so much time trying so hard to get her attention when she doesn't even care. She doesn't even care about me or trying to get my attention.

"Y/N! Quick, someone's here for you!" I hear my older sister shout. What?

"Okay?!" I yell back, shutting my journal and sliding it into the drawers of my dresser.

I jog down the stairs and walk to the front door.

"Hey?" I say as I open it from being slightly shut.

Billie? O'Connell?

"Hey, Y/N. I just wanted to say— you've probably heard the news so I might as well tell you that you're the girl." Billie bit her bottom lip, brushing her hand through her blonde hair. I noticed a bobble on her left wrists and a small chain around her neck, hanging under her tank top. She also had on a black jacket and leggings.

Woah, cleav—

"What? Have I won the lottery? Wait, what news?" I ask confusedly. I didn't go to dance today, I had a family thing.

"No, you wish. But um, I'm lesbian. Someone at dance class found out and outed me. Some were accepting but most of the girls just told me 'you better not have a crush on me'." She mocked with a weird voice.

She chuckled, clearing her throat.

"Anyway, I just wanted to let you know. I like you, and—" she glanced behind her at a car, a man was sitting in it with a leather jacket on, but it looked fake. He has long ginger hair and shades on.

"Fuck... okay, I would like to take you on a date with me. Please? Wait, shit— forget that. Would you like to go on a date with me?" I smiled and stared at her.

"One, I'm so sorry that happened to you. No one deserves to be outed. Two, uh, is this— are you being for real, orrrr...?"

Her face dropped, her shoulders slouched.

"It-you know what? It doesn't even matter. I just- uhm, forget I even asked. I'll see you next Wednesday." She began to walk away and my heart began pumping out of my chest.

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