teenage activities (B.E.)

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normal teen billie, not famous.

First, Billie's family had not even took notice of it or thought anything of it, when they come home and heard their only daughter masturbating.

Finneas closes his parents' car door and helps his mom and dad carry in the food shopping. His boots are loud against the wood of the porch at the front of the small home. The small seat-swing on the left of the porch was ever-so-slightly swinging as the soft breeze blew on it hard enough to move it. The sun was warm and so was the wind, but it wasn't anything they hadn't dealt with before. The people of LA had definitely seen some worse heat than this.

Finneas heard some noises coming from down the hall as he walked into the kitchen and placed down the bags as best as he could so that he could walk back through out of the kitchen. His dad walks around him and mumbles a 'thanks, son.'

"Hey," Finneas said to his dad, "do you know if Billie's home?" His dad just shrugged.

"I dunno. She might be in her room. She said something about going out tomorrow but nothing about today." Patrick told his son.

Finneas responded. Then, Finneas walked down the hall closer to Billie's room. He stopped halfway though when he heard, "Fuck... Just like that." The breathy whimpers of his sister grossed him out so he had to let her know she was no longer alone in the small home.

"Billie!" He yelled, "We're home!" He informs her loudly and sighs in relief once the house was now silent apart from his parents chatting whilst putting away the shopping in different cabinets, drawers and in the fridge. Thank God.

One night, Billie had came down to collect her dinner and, instead of sitting with her family at the dinner table like they do mostly every night, she asks to take her food upstairs. Her parents dismissed it as their teenage girl wanting some private time and maybe some time to handle things she was going through before speaking to her parents about it. They let the girl be and do as she pleased.

And thankfully, just like they expected and hoped, Billie was back down at the dinner table for the next few days. They decided to not talk about it with Billie or mention it; they wanted her to come to them if she needed them or wanted to.

But then, Billie started to... Billie is loud. Her family noticed it. Her mom, dad, brother—they all heard her quiet whimpers and moans at least twice a week. And it went on for a week and a half before Finneas's mom and dad desperately sat him down and told him to tell his sister that, essentially, she needed to shut the fuck up or stop masturbating when the family is home.

Then Billie had started asking for more and more dinner before she went to her room with it.

"Hey, mom!" Billie calls out from in the kitchen, already pouring some more of the cajun pasta into her pasta bowl.

"Yes, honey?" Maggie, Billie's mom, shouted back from the dining table.

"Can I have some more pasta in my bowl?" Billie asks, despite the fact that she was already doing what she wanted to.

"Sure, sweetie, if you're hungry! Are you sitting with us today?"

Billie shook her head as she walked past the dinner table, "I was actually gonna go up to my room, if that's okay." Billie responds. Finneas's eyes look down at Billie's other hand, the hand that wasn't carrying her bowl of dinner. Her hand was holding two forks. Finneas frowned as he looked back up at Billie. She was already walking away to her room.

"Yeah, just—Bil?" Billie turned around before she had gone out of view.

"You would speak to us if something was wrong or going on, right?" Billie nodded straight away.

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