Late night talks 'n cuddles (b.e.)

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Billie's voice came from the sky, but her mouth wasn't moving. She was staring up at the sky, smiling slightly.

It was like she didn't even say it, "I'll marry you one day, Y/N..." Billie leant up on her elbow and leaned over the small pile of food in between us.

"Y/N/N... bubs?"

I furrow my eyebrows and moan, slightly waking up from the best dream I've had in my whole.

"What...?" I groan, snuggling further into the familiar-scented bed. "Can you stay up with me?" I heard my girlfriend whisper softly, trying to not wake her family up.

I shook my head and felt my hair in my mouth, so I blew a raspberry to try and get rid of it.


Billie giggled while talking, i shook my head and wiped my face on the cover.

"Mm-mm," i moan while continuing to shake my head, Billie wraps her arms around me. "Please...?" "Nooo, shush."

"I had a nightmare... it woke me up and I can't go back to sleep..."

I frown and open my eyes slowly, my eyes instantly landing on the red and black Louis Vuitton blanket that hangs down from her bed. We sleep with her red light on while it's at a low brightness.

I turn my head around slowly, I must have slept on it funny because it hurts slightly.

Billie sniffled and smiled sadly at me.

I peck her lips slowly and sleepily. My movement felt sluggish from how tired I am.

I got out of her grip and turned so that we were laying on our sides and our faces were super close.

"Why? What was it about?" I mumble as I reach my left hand up to brush her messy  black hair out of her face. I steadied the base and palm of my hand to rest on her temple, and use my thumb to wipe under her eyes.

When I did this, her eyes were damp and there was some sleep in her eye.

"We - you died... I d-dont wanna lose you, Y/N..." Billie muttered and reached her right hand up to grab mine from her face.

She laced our fingers together and started messing with them.

I smiled at the action.

"You're not losing me anytime soon, love."

I kissed her nose.

"Well, what now?" I ask.

Billie sighs, "I wanna cuddle and talk... distract myself from the whole car accident dream."

Car accident? We got into a car accident in her dream?

"Alright, bubba, we'll do that. Just try to relax now, it's just a dream."

She nodded and sniffled before shoving her face into the crook of my neck.

I let go of her hand and placed mine on the back of her head, gently massaging her scalp. I moved my right arm slightly because it was going limp and dead from her weight cutting off my blood circulation.

"Okay... what – talk about?"

Damn, that made me sound like I'm on crack.

"Don't know... puppies, awww." Billie whispers while gasping slightly, being insanely cute.

She pulled her face away from my neck and looked at me with the '🥺' face.

(Aye y'all know I show you a pic when I can't describe a face or pose. Be lucky I'm not showing you a pic this time too.)

"They're so cute," Billie whispered, snuggling back into me.

'Bitch, i ain't no softie. the fuck?'

That's what she said in her most recent interview. Mhm, sure billie. I wonder if her fandom know she's just a big teddy at times.

"They're so-so precious!" Billie gasped while her body started to shake. "You big baby. " I laughed quietly and hugged her.

"You're too cute, oh my gosh, baby." I giggle out while Billie cries into my chest.

"Are you on your period?" I ask while smiling at how cute she was being.

Billie sniffled and stiffly nodded.

"What time is it?" Billie asked with a muffled voice.

"I'on know, bubba.

"Oh... okay, Lets just sleep..."

"What about talking?" I question her, Billie sighs.

"Keep talking to me, Y/N/N. I'm just super tired from crying about puppies and nightmares." Billie looks up at me briefly before pecking my lips and digging her face back into my chest.

"Okay, I have nothing to tell you though because I've told you every story."

I remind her, she shrugs.

"Spill me the tea between jerry and Eris." Billie mumbled into my chest.

"Ouh, shit. So basically jerry came back home with a bitch, right?" I spoke in a soft voice.


"And, baby, when I tell you Eris snapped... she fucking snapped...."

I talked and talked to Billie about what was happening with their relationship until we both fell asleep.

<3 ymfp toodles

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