Billie's Booty Blowout

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fuck me the ending



The night before a big concert Billie went out with a few friends to eat at a fancy indian restaurant. Billie tried to stick to her diet, but they kept bringing dishes out, each one more delicious then the last, so at some point she just decided screw it and chowed down on all the spicy food. She didn't even know what half of the stuff was, but in the moment all she cared about was getting a taste of everything on the table. By the time she finished eating she could barely move. She was too full to do anything else that day, so she just went to her hotel room and practically fell face first into her bed, she didn't even bother undressing, she slept through the night on top of the covers with her shoes still on.

The night passed in the blink of an eye and Billie was snapped awake by the sound of her text tone going off on her phone. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She stared at the text for about a minute before her eyes focused enough to read the message.

"Hey, we're downstairs waiting. Text me back when you're ready"

Billie freaked when she saw the time. She immediately shot to full attention and ran to the bathroom to turn on the shower. While the water heated up she grabbed a fresh outfit for her big show tonight. She could feel that yesterday's meal was really weighing on her, all of her movements felt sluggish and she could feel the weight in her stomach. She regretted being so careless, but there was nothing she could do now so she just continued getting ready.

Billie undressed and jumped into the shower. She brushed her teeth in there to try and make up a little bit of time, when she looked down she could see that her gut was a bit bigger then normal, she just hoped no one would notice when she was on stage. Then her stomach started gurgling and squelching like never before, it sounded like someone spraying a supersoaker into a waterballoon. Throughout the shower her stomach made a few more loud gurgles, it felt like there was a chemical reaction going off in her stomach. Billie was concerned, but she could hear her text tone go off a few more times, so she knew she had to get ready quick.

Billie got out of the shower and dried off, she looked at the toilet for a moment, but decided that she wouldn't have enough time and she would just have to bare it for now. She rushed to the elevator while texting that she is on her way. With each step Billie was less confident that she would be able to endure for the entire show. The gurgles were getting loud and more frequent, she thought that maybe she would have to call off the show, but when she reached lobby, a bunch of her friends and family rushed her. They were all excited for her big show and talked about how she was going to kill it. Seeing how excited they were, Billie didn't have the courage to let them all down by canceling.

They all got into a limo and drove to the venue. Everyone was chatting while Billie sat silently with her hand on her belly. Billie was beginning to sweat as she felt the pressure inside of her building more and more. One of her friends noticed and he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Billie, no need to be nervous. You've sung in front of people a million times. You're gonna do great!"

Billie just forced a smile and nodded while her stomach continued to mimic the sounds of toads being stepped on. The ride felt like an eternity, even though it was probably only about 15 minutes. When the door to the limo opened, Billie was greeted by the sound of thousands of fans screaming and chanting at her. She couldn't back out now, so Billie stepped out and began walking to the stage. She had to manually think about her breathing and walking to make sure she didn't shit herself on the way to the stage.

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